
Take Care Of Your Heart With These Age-old Ayurvedic Tips

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read April 10, 2021 Last Updated on: December 27th, 2024

Ayurvedic Tips

Heart diseases are one of the seven leading causes of death around the world. Even though modern medicine has made many beneficial advancements in cardiovascular health sciences, there is no better way to treat a condition naturally. 

Traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda, has great treatment methods to keep the heart healthy. The great benefit of these ayurvedic treatments is that not only do they help heart health, but also improve physical and mental health as well. 

Cardiac health and ayurvedic tips

Cardiac health and ayurvedic tips 

In Ayurveda, the heart is not just considered as a mechanical pump. It considers the heart a seat of emotions and consciousness and emphasizes the connection between the heart and mind.  

Ayurveda talks about maintaining a heart-healthy diet that aligns with the Dosha principle. Focusing on foods like whole grains, heart-boosting spices like turmeric, and leafy green vegetables can maintain a healthy balance.  

There are some healthy nuts, like walnuts and almonds, that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It helps in reducing inflammation and supports the overall health of the heart. In Ayurveda, having a daily routine is very important to overall health.  

Having a morning routine, including oil pulling, light exercise, and having a nutritious breakfast starts the day in a positive tone. In the same way, including some calm practices like having herbal tea with ingredients like Tulsi and evening meditation can relax you and contribute to a healthy heart.  

Let’s look at what Ayurveda says about keeping a healthy heart. 

Reduce stress 

Ayurvedic science discusses the term ‘Ojas, which is the sentence that maintains life. Ojas is responsible for all activities of mind and body, thus flourishing emotional and physical well-being. Spend time on activities that are beneficial for the Ojas

Activities that cultivate contentment, bliss, and inner strength will help achieve a stress-free life. This will greatly impact your physical health, especially the heart. Practice meditation and yoga. Maintain a positive approach towards life and try to avoid stressful situations that may disturb or anger you. 

Doctors suggest medical intervention as soon as you show signs of heart trouble, so go for medical support and compare Xarelto prices online if your doctor prescribes it. 

Eat Well 

The trend of fast food and binge eating has done more harm than good to our health. Taking a healthy diet is the most critical step you need to take towards a healthy heart. It is not necessary to cut all your eating habits but take small steps towards a healthy diet routine. 

Eat more servings of vegetables and fruits in a meal. Start your day with apples or pears. Take almonds into your diet. Take heart-healthy spices in your food, such as turmeric and ground black pepper. Eat fresh foods instead of over-processed or junk foods. This will help reduce the cholesterol levels in the body system, which is an enemy of your heart. 

Exercise regularly 

Exercise is the key to heart health. If you show any signs of heart trouble, such as chest pains or sudden numbness in one or both arms, start exercising daily. You don’t need to do strenuous exercises at the beginning. Just a 20-minute walk or jogging session is adequate. 

Follow the Ayurvedic principle of Balaardh, exercising half your capacity. This will help you exercise regularly without putting too much strain on your muscles. Walking early in the morning is a great way to jumpstart your day and regulate the blood pressure of the body. 

Exercise on a regular schedule will regulate your metabolism and help reduce excess weight from the body, which is a contributing factor to heart disease. 

Get proper sleep 

Practice good sleeping habits to increase heart strength. Researchers have linked sleep deprivation to heart diseases.  

Go to bed early at night so you can wake up early in the morning. Get all distractions out of your way when sleeping, such as gadgets, noises, and lights. Create a warm, peaceful environment around you. 

Address Sadhaka Agni 

People are familiar with digestive fire. However, are you familiar with the agni, which is known to digest emotions? It is known as Sadhaka Agni, and it is related to Sadhaka Pitta. It is a sub dosha of Pitta and rules the emotions and hearts. 

People with strong Sadhaka Agni metabolize quickly, and they process emotional events quickly as well. If it is low, you can have a hard time moving past the emotional upsets. However, there is a solution to it. 

You have to maintain a balance between an Ayurvedic diet and a dinacharya. Roses work wonders in balancing Sadhka Agni. For some more boost, consider formulas like stress-free emotions, which are a natural resistance to fatigue and emotional stress. This promotes positive feelings and emotional balance as well. 

Organic ashwagandha is one of the best ayurvedic herbs for maintaining a healthy heart. It reduces stress hormones, promotes good sleep, and boosts immunity.  

It is also necessary to do things that keep you in a better mood and uplift you. You can practice yoga, engage in a new hobby, or help out a friend with their shopping. 

Some Ayurvedic herbs and their benefits

Some Ayurvedic herbs and their benefits 

Various herbs in Ayurveda make a positive impact on the heart. Here are some of the popular ones mentioned, along with their benefits.  

  • Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna): This herb is known for its cardio-protective properties. Arjuna strengthens the heart muscle, helps improve blood circulation, and provides support for the entire cardiovascular function. 
  • Triphala (Amlaki, Haritaki, Bibhitaki): These three fruits combine together and gently detoxify, promote a healthy gut, and improve digestion. Ayurveda links a healthy digestive system with a healthy heart. 
  • Garlic (Allium sativum): Apart from culinary use, garlic is known to regulate cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of having any cardiovascular disease, and lower blood pressure as well. 
  • Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum): Tulsi is popularly known as holy basil and has antioxidant properties that protect the heart from oxidative stress. It supports cardiovascular health overall. 

Address it 

A day is supposed to have both positive and negative experiences. However, it is good to address what is causing you chronic stress. It could be a relationship, unresolved conflicts, lingering debt, an unfulfilling career setting some boundaries, and saying “yes” when you want to say “no.” 

In Ayurveda, heart health comes in two different folds. You have to take care of both your emotional and physical heart. Moreover, a holistic approach with herbs and diet, regular exercise, sleep, stress management, and maintaining a routine are some of the best Ayurvedic tips that can help your heart. 

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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