Uber is committed to safety and that is why safety considerations have been built into the rider and the partner experience. Uber has implemented several safety features that riders need to be aware of, and these features can be found on the newly refurbished Rideshare app online. Here are the most important things you should know about the Uber Policies on safety.
Safety First:
All local laws must be obeyed in order to reach your destination safely. All occupants including the Uber partner must buckle up. Drivers are also expected to keep to the safety limit. Drivers must not drive under the influence of any drug and a Phone mount must be used to avoid texting or making phone calls while driving.
Riders and Drivers Must be Given Personal spaces:
One of the most important aspects or safety rule on the Uber rider policy is that each occupant in an Uber car must respect each other’s privacies. For instance, you are not supposed to comment on the appearance of other occupants or their personal issues. Common courtesy dictates that you do not shout, or swear at anyone during the ride. It is also your duty to keep the car in a good condition by tidying up after yourself.
Children under 18 Must be Supervised:
According to the policy, Adults are allowed to have Uber rider account. If a minor has to use the account, then a guardian or parent must be with them at all times, during the ride.
Feedbacks Are Encouraged:
Whether you are the driver or passenger, Uber encourages everyone to rate the quality of their journey at the end of each trip. Giving honest feedback is one of the main components of this policy that ensures that everyone is responsible for their behavior. It is a form of accountability that will help produce a safer and more respectful environment for the riders and the Uber partners. If anything happens (such as an accident), during a ride, you are expected to tap the “Help” button on the Uber app and report the situation so that Uber customer care can perform a follow-up.
Actions That May Cause Uber Rider or Partner’s Loss of License or Account:
Damaging the driver or other occupant’s property can cause you to lose access to Uber. Similarly, physical contact or altercation with the driver or fellow passenger can also cause you to lose your Uber account. Use of inappropriate language or gesture, and breaking local laws such as over-speeding can also cause outright banishment from the use of Uber.
Despite the User policy of Uber, the rider and passengers still find a way to breach Uber’s agreement. There has been a sharp rise in cases of safety rules being compromised. If you have been injured as a result of neglect or deliberate act from an Uber Rider, it is quite important to report to an Accident Injury Attorney, in order to file a legal claim against the guilty party.
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