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Application Creation: 4 Important Steps to Create an App

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read March 19, 2019

Create an App

There was once a simpler time when a world-changing invention only came along once every decade. These days, however, all you need to do is create the hottest new app to change the world.

Smartphones are our most important tool. We use them for shopping, traveling, learning, communicating, and just about everything else you can think of. It’s therefore unsurprising that creating a smartphone application that people want to use is a surefire ticket to success.

If you want to build your own app and change the world, you should know that you aren’t alone. Last year over 6000 apps were released through the Google Play store every single day.

This means that you’ll need a truly groundbreaking idea in order to stand out. If you’re wanting to build your first ever app, here are the essential steps to create an app you need to know.

Steps to Create an App: Define What You Want to Achieve:

It takes a lot more than just a good idea to change the world. One of the first steps to developing an app is figuring out the fine print of what you want to app to do.

How will it benefit the user? What is the core function? What is the unique selling point? How is it different from anything else currently on the market?

If you can’t answer all of these questions, you aren’t ready.

Scope Out the Competition:

It’s no secret that the app market is heavily saturated. Before you build your own app, you’ll need to take stock of the competition.

This means more than just assessing the sheer number of similar apps already in existence (there will likely be many), but also how exactly they achieved success.

Look at their design and functionality and, of course, read user reviews to see what people like and dislike. If an app similar to your idea got a million dollars in series B funding, you need to ask yourself why.

Gather Resources:

If you want to know how to develop an app, the first rule is that you can’t do it alone. To succeed you’ll need to learn how to hire the right professional developers for your vision.

If you don’t have the resources to do so, you can use a top-rated App Maker platform to help you build your dream from home. You’ll also need to consider things like the backend, hosting fees, and the use of third-party applications such as PayPal.

Do your research and find out which resources you’ll actually need to achieve your ideal level of functionality.

Sketch Out Every Page:

You’ll need to consider what every page of your app will actually look like. Too many would-be developers get over-excited and skip this step, only to realize further down the line that they never thought to include a sign-in page.

Think about what your app will actually do and sketch out a storyboard of different pages and interfaces required to achieve it. Remember, UX is key.

Prepare for Revisions, Lots of Them:

Those wondering how to create an app rarely consider how different the finished product will be from the original idea. No idea is perfect.

The process of app creation involves countless reviews and tweaks until you get it just right.

It’s a lot of hard work and rejection, but the pay-off when you’ve created something users will love is priceless.

Learn More:

The steps to create an app are paved with knowledge. If you’d like to learn more about how to make your technological dreams a reality, make sure to follow our Dev & Design Section for everything you need to know about developing your dreams.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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