Food habit is one of the vital aspects of human life. It is variable when it comes to different parts of the world. Naturally, the health condition of the people prominently shows up depending on the diet they have. In America, most people develop chronic diseases at an early age as they depend mostly on fast food. Even if Americans make food at home, most of them are processed.
The physicians strictly oppose this food habit and they suggest their patients shift to a Mediterranean diet. So, if you are searching for information related to the Mediterranean diet, consider reading this article thoroughly. Here, you can go through its definition and learn about the effective ways to incorporate it. For now, take a look at the following points.
The Mediterranean Diet: Definition
The Mediterranean diet is following the food habits of the people living in the Mediterranean countries. So, you can consider the people of countries like France, Spain, Greece, Italy, etc. Now, it is so acclaimed by doctors due to a few important reasons.
Firstly, the Mediterranean diet is very nutritious and comprises a lot of herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Then, it prohibits the use of harmful cooking oil variants. The doctors always suggest using extra-virgin olive oil and it is the reason they suggest a Mediterranean diet. Next, in the case of this diet, there is a lesser chance of chronic heart, blood, gut, and nerve diseases.
So, now you have an idea what is Mediterranean diet. If you are into a different food habit, it would be a bit tough to shift to a new diet. However, you can follow certain rules to follow it. Go through the following points to understand.
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Tips On Following The Mediterranean Diet
If you are planning to start with the Mediterranean diet, the tips in this section can help you a lot. Consider incorporating these tips to do the Mediterranean diet in the right way.
1. Cut Down On Processed And Fast Food
In case you have become a victim of obesity or a chronic disease, consider it the time to incorporate the Mediterranean diet. Now, you can ask your doctor, if the Mediterranean diet is healthy and he would say YES.
Well, the first thing that you need to do to incorporate this diet is to cut down on eating processed and fast food. So, you should not buy such food and try making your own at home.
2. Make A Habit To Consume More Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are vital foods of the Mediterranean diet. You need to make a habit of eating them regularly. Once you develop the habit, you can gradually increase the level of intake.
It is quite obvious that you would not love to have veggies each day. The best you can do is know about the delicious dishes to make with them. Similarly, you can also make a fruit salad and eat it during the afternoon.
This is the way you can gradually fall in love with the Mediterranean diet. There would be a time when you would not like to have anything except what is in your diet.
3. Reduce The Frequency Of Red Meat Consumption
There is a huge mass of people in the US who love consuming read meat of all sorts. If you are one of them, this point can lead you to depression. However, you should always remember that taking a new diet is for your good.
As red meat is not something that is the Mediterranean diet consists of, you can completely give up eating it. Well, again, the doctor might suggest you eat red meat once or twice a month.
4. Check If The Food Contains Good Fats
It is vital to check out if you are consuming enough good fats while being on the Mediterranean diet. So, you can check for the food items on the internet or talk about them with your physician. As of you now, you should know that extra-virgin olive oil contains a lot of good fats.
So, you can switch to the extra virgin olive oil from butter or any other grain oil. The best you can do is apply it uncooked to your salad and other stuff. Again, in case of intaking the carbs, you should check if it is gluten-free.
5. Increase The Intake Of Dairy Products And Eggs
When in the Mediterranean diet, you need to increase the consumption of egg and dairy products. The best you can do is consume the theme during your lunch and dinner. Again, to get rid of unwanted fat, you can choose to drink toned milk. On the other hand, you can also consume fresh and organic milk.
6. Say Good Bye To Processed Sweets And Beverages
Consumption of sweets and beverages is a strict no-no when it comes to the Mediterranean diet. So, you should always get rid of such habits. If you do not love sweets much, it will be easier for you to discontinue them.
Jennifer Oikarinen, a registered dietician at Banner Estrella Medical Center in Pheonix says, “It’s recommended that women have up to one 5-ounce glass of wine per day and men have up to two 5-ounce glasses daily for men,” Oikarinen said. “However, don’t start drinking to see benefits from this diet or if you have a family history of alcohol addiction or are currently pregnant.” She explains, “The PREDIMED study, a primary prevention trial including thousands of people with diabetes or other risk factors for cardiovascular disease, found that a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil or nuts and without any fat and calorie restrictions reduced the rates of death from stroke by roughly 30%, as well the risk of type 2 diabetes was also reduced.” Oikarinen is of the opinion that “At its core, the Mediterranean diet is a plant-based diet that focuses on lean meats, like poultry and fish, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes and heart-healthy fats, especially olive oil.” She further adds, “Although it puts limits on red meat, added sugar, refined carbs and other processed foods, what many people love about the Mediterranean diet is it emphasizes more what to eat, instead of everything you can’t.” The Mediterranean diet is suitable for those living in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, but what about those who do not live near the Mediterranean Sea? People who want to follow this diet but do not live in the Mediterranean region will be able to continue this diet for a long time. So here are some advantages as well as disadvantages of following the Mediterranean Diet. The Mediterranean diet is loaded with anti-inflammatory foods and monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, which, however, does not increase cholesterol levels in the way trans fats or saturated fats do. It is known to help you lose weight because of its balanced nature. Being mainly plant-based can be environmentally beneficial. If taken without a calculated dietary plan, certain elements like nuts and olive oil could cause weight gain. Olive oil is high in calories that can easily contribute to weight gain. Given the ingredients, your grocery bill may spike, including the likes of fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, and grains. You also need to talk to your medical provider in order to rule out any risks of the diet. Oikarinen concludes by saying, “As with starting any new exercise or eating plan, it’s always best to check in with your health care provider or dietitian to see if this diet is a good fit for you.”Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Mediterranean Diet
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q1. What Is The Mediterranean Diet And How Does It Work?
The Mediterranean diet is a low harmful protein and spice diet that can help you live a healthy life.
Q2. How Do You Do The Mediterranean Diet?
Eating Mediterranean foods is the best way to do the Mediterranean diet.
Q3. What Foods Are Included In The Mediterranean Diet?
Fruits, veggies, dairy, and eggs are included in the Mediterranean diet.
Q4. What Foods Are Not Allowed On The Mediterranean Diet?
Spicy foods, processed, food, and red meat are not allowed in the Mediterranean diet.
Final Words
The Mediterranean diet is one of the best diets in the world. It can lead you to lose a lot of weight. Moreover, you can be stress-free about your heart health. The best you can do is talk with a nutritionist on this matter.
You must always try to keep your system clean. Apart from the Mediterranean diet, you must exercise daily. Again, your doctor might suggest you eat your meals in more frequencies cutting the amount on a single go. So, remembering these facts, it will be easier for you to live a healthy and long life.
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