In 2016, the comics online book industry raked in 1.085 billion dollars, an increase of 5% of the previous year.
You may not be able to get billions if you’re looking to sell your comics online, but there are tactics and tips you can use to get the most out of your collection.
If you’re serious about selling old comics online, check out our suggestions below about how to do it well.
How to Sell Comics Online:
Are you ready to put your comics online? Let’s get started!
1. Get Organized:
The first step is selling your comics to get organized. Without organization, you have no idea what you have or how you want to sell. Organizing helps the process go smoother and faster.
You can choose to divide them into groups by titles, issues, storylines, older comics, and newer ones or any way you want.
2. Know Your Conditions:
The condition of your comics can directly affect the price, so try to be fair and honest. If you’ve kept your comics in pristine condition, you can charge more for them. If there’s staining, yellowing, or ripped pages, basically anything that makes the comic look damaged, you’ll have to take that into account when pricing the comic.
Most comics will fall into the Fine category, with very few in Mint or Near Mint. Do your best to be honest, because what is Near Mint for one person may be Fine for another.
3. Set Your Pricing:
Once you have your conditions in place, it’s time to start pricing!
For most comic books they lose value quickly. Once they’re opened, the price decreases. On the off chance that you have a rare comic, place it in a separate pile and see if you sell it for more.
The majority of comics are usually priced at a dollar or so, or anywhere from 3-4 dollars depending on the condition.
3. Package Them:
Next up, it’s time to wrap them up, so they stay protected.
Take your time to bag and tape them properly. Making sure they’re sealed and protected is crucial because it shows buyers that you’re serious about selling and keeping them in condition.
Boards should be acid-free for ultimate care. Try and stay away from Sellotape. Sellotape is a struggle to remove, so use a satin finish tape instead.
4. Take Pics and Write Descriptions:
Selling online is much easier when you take quality pictures. Taking your pictures develops credibility and honesty with buyers. Make sure the bagging does not produce glare, and the product is visible.
When you go to write the description, the biggest thing to include is the issue of the comic. Buyers are generally searching for something specific, and this helps them find it easily. Be sure to include the condition, price, and anything else you want to add.
If you have several in a series and want to sell them together, take pictures of them individually, so the buyer knows what’s included.
5. Set Aside the Most Valuable Comic Books:
If you have rare comics, set them aside and find out how much they’re worth. This way, you keep your less expensive comic separate from valuable ones.
6. Consider Selling Sets:
As mentioned before, if you have series sell them as a set. Buyers love collections and love knowing that they’ve gotten a deal. Also, it’s more attractive, because bidders don’t feel like they have to go searching for each issue individually.
People may also be curious about what else you have for sale when they see full collections.
7. Watch for Opportunities:
There are times when a comic will sell more quickly or efficiently than others. Much of it has to do with movie releases, so staying on top of when movies for a specific character come out will help you know when to put your books up for sale.
8. Do Your Research:
Not all online companies are legit when it comes to selling comics. Other places, like Dylan Universe Comics, make the process simple and as streamlined as possible while being fair on price. Brush up on your research to make sure the company is real, otherwise, you risk losing your valuable comics!
Other Ways to Sell Your Comics:
Selling online is one of the most popular ways to get money for your comics. But there are others.
Social Media:
With the rise of social media marketing, anyone can sell anything. Facebook groups or even Marketplace can be an option as well. Collectors and bidder keep an eye on these groups for comic gems.
Sell in Person:
Online selling is great, but sometimes you could score a better deal in person. This is because it’s easier to negotiate in person than online. Whether it’s to a dealer or another comic book store, be sure you still know the condition and what you believe they’re worth.
In some cases, selling them to a store gives you better options. You could be offered cash or consignment that you can use towards other product in the store.
Sell Your Comics: Are You Ready?
The decision to sell your comics online isn’t always an easy one. Sometimes they are treasures with memories. Knowing that someone is buying your comics with the intention of taking care of them makes the process more comfortable. Online selling can be achieved with just a few simple steps if you’re looking to make some money.
Are you interested in other ways to make money online? We’ve got you covered! Visit our website for everything you need to know!
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