Home Improvement

DIY Guide To Give Your Living Room A New Look

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read November 22, 2019

living room

Your living room is the place where you spend most of your time. And it’s probably the place where you welcome your guests too. Welcoming guests means that your living room has to be clean and trendy.

Designing your living room from scratch can be a difficult task. Not to forget the money that goes into it. In such a case, DIY saves the day, and it makes the place more relatable to you.

Decorate with dishes:

This is your chance to display your favorite China to the world to appreciate. We all have a few dishes hidden away that we don’t want to spoil by eating in it. However, once kept somewhere safe, they remain there, and you eventually forget about them. Using these to decorate your walls can add character to your living room.

You can play with the patterns here. Usually, people like to start with a large dish in the middle and all the others around it. If your dishes are white or light in color, go for a bright background, and if your dishes are bright, go for a light background. You can read more about smart decorating tips here.

Use that art:

If you retain an interest in art or you have someone that does, don’t let their workpiece lay around. Use it to your benefit and get it framed. You can even use old cloth pieces that would make up a great pattern together, get it framed, and it’s ready to go your walls. Hand paint random things and frame them. It makes your living room aesthetic.

Don’t throw out your furniture:


Sometimes it’s challenging to match your walls with furniture. And because you can’t throw out your furniture every time you get your walls done, the wall is compromised. Well, if you think smartly, neither the walls nor the furniture has to be compromised. Paint your old furniture with shades that match your walls

Paint the walls yourself of your living room:

Painting the walls on your own will not only save you a lot of money, but it can also turn into a fun activity with your loved ones. You have to let your imagination run wild here if you want the living room to look exactly like you want it to.

Try out different shades and color tones, look for a contrasting pattern, and your walls will turn out nicely. The trick to perfect walls is you shouldn’t overdo it. Whatever it is that you are going for, whether its natural look, a bohemian look, or an experiment with colors, it shouldn’t be overdone. Keep it simple and crisp.

Use the junk from furniture:

It’s time you use all that junk lying around from your construction. Often times, we throw away things without thinking that might come in use later. Redesigning is the time when all your waste material will come in handy.

Old wood panels:

Old wood panel extras that got left while some constructions. Use them as a base for your photographs. Making a base does not necessarily mean you have to create a frame out of it. Assemble the pieces together, and stick your photo frame on it, use suitable adhesive for rapid bond on every surface. It gives your living room an aesthetic look and adds more character to it.

Use the junk from construction:

junk from construction

Ever thought of making use of all that junk that might otherwise go to waste? Well, redesigning requires a lot of props, especially if you are doing the right way. Getting accessories is no big deal, but the enormous amount of money that goes into it is. Making use of waste items can save the day. Begin with cleaning your storeroom and getting everything that you think might come in handy.

Start categorizing them into different groups, such as what goes on the wall, what goes on the floor, etc., and do whatever it is you feel like doing with these — paint, cut, mold, stick them together,  anything that goes with your style is perfect.

Bring in as many plants as you like:

plants in living room

If you are a natural person and love having plants around, then go for it. Having plants indoors might sound odd to you, but it’s not. People keep plants inside all the time. The trick is that you chose the right one. Having plants indoors might seem an easy task, as you just have to bring them in and find a perfect place for it.

However, lack of care leads them to die, and that just destroys the entire natural ambiance. Look for plants that can survive without sunlight if your space has less contact with sunlight. Otherwise, go for the ones that can survive in minimum sunlight and keep them near the window.

Color coordinate:

Every little detail tends to matter when it comes to redesigning your living room. And when you have a lot of things in mind, color-coordinating would be the best option, especially if you don’t want your living room to end up looking like a lot of things but you. Color-coordinating little details like the flower pots, flower vase, curtains, furniture, walls anything you can think of.

Lighting is crucial; it brings positive vibes to your room. Not only does it brighten your mood, but your guest’s mood will also brighten up. Therefore, to have colors that support lightning is very important.

Don’t throw out your old furniture:

Buying new furniture means getting rid of the old one. Regardless of how useless it might seem, old furniture has a value of its own, especially if it’s passed down from elders. Here’s how you can use them to transform your living room:


You can shorten your old bed and use it as a sofa instead. There you got a new sofa at no extra cost.

Old Window Panes:

You can use old window panes to keep the photo frames. Attach the window panes to the walls and then stick photo frames in it. There you have your transformed living rooms ready.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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