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Blogging For Business: SEO Tips And Tricks

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read June 10, 2019

SEO Tips

You likely already have a business blog, but you may not be reaping the full scope of benefits from its existence.  A business blog has enormous potential for your brand website if used in the right way. For starters, you can drive a lot of Inbound Marketing with your blog. Over a period, it can also help you establish yourself as a credible industry authority voice.

However, for most brands, a business blog has a dual purpose of increasing traffic to their website and generating actual sales and revenues. If done the right way, a business blog might become your brand’s biggest asset and success story.

Simply having a “blog” is merely the first step of realizing the potential.  If you want your business blog to have more of an impact this year, try delving into a bit of research.  Start now, and check out a few SEO tips and tricks that will help you realize the potential of your business blog.

In this article, we help you with some top tricks on how you can maximize the potential of your business blog.

Make wise keyword choices

Keywords Research

Do your research before choosing keywords to saturate your material.  You will likely use good keywords and phrases naturally by simply writing an informative piece, but it helps to research exactly what web users are actually searching.

Think of keyword research as a road map to all the future content that you will be creating. If you create an article on what people are not searching for on the internet, it will not benefit your brand in any way.

Terms which are relevant to your industry and topic will help you score big with the Google search algorithm.  For example, this blog post entitled “Top 2019 Tools in the Gas and Oil Industry” hits on the relevance of the field of information provided and the relevancy of this year.

Make yourself familiar with the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, and pay attention to the competition.  Semrush.com is also a great resource when you’re seeking out effective keywords and phrases.

Utilize the best keywords throughout

Once you’ve pinpointed the most effective keywords and phrases to utilize, weave them into every aspect of your post.  The title header and all of the metadata for each page should be full of rich information.  The more you can work the keywords and phrases you’ve chosen into your content, the easier it is for the search engines to identify your subject matter.

By following the rules of the keyword (you can use WordPress Yoast), you will be able to help Google discover and show your content to many people on the internet.

Optimize image uploads within your posts

Adding images and other multimedia to your blog posts will draw more eyes.  When you do choose images or videos to add to your posts, you need to be sure to include your chosen keywords in the file name and alternate text field.  The description of the photo should also be rich with pinpointed keywords and phrases.

Utilize social media sharing icons:

social media

Social media sharing icons are your blog’s way of drawing more attention to the content.  Adding sharing icons will give readers the opportunity to share their interest with their friends, family, and coworkers.  Use a few of the most familiar icons, as placing an icon for all of the social media networks online would be a little extreme.

Backlink your old posts

Once you’ve built a large collection of posts within your business blog, you can begin referencing your own posts.  Create backlinks to your older blog posts to help keep traffic flowing throughout your collection.


A business blog can help drive considerable amounts of traffic to your website. This, in turn, will help you perform better on Google’s SERPs.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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