Social Media

What Is The Best Time To Post On Youtube?

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read May 22, 2021 Last Updated on: June 7th, 2021

What Is The Best Time To Post On Youtube

Youtube has placed itself among the top-performing search engines and social media sites. Though most of us consider youtube as a social media platform in actuality, it works more as a search engine. What is the best time to post on youtube? This question has been often asked by many YouTubers as well as marketers, who use youtube to promote their brand or business. In order to gain more views, you need to strategize your time schedule for youtube upload. 

Some Important YouTube Metrics

Some Important YouTube Metrics


Before evaluating or calculating the best time to post on Youtube, it is vital to know the youtube metrics. Once you get to know the essential factors that regulate youtube searching, the task of scheduling your video post will become easier. Here are the Important metrics of youtube.

  • Though the maximum traffic of youtube searches comes from the United States, that does not mean other countries are not very fond of youtube. Countries like the United Kingdom, Brazil, India, and China are also responsible for making youtube popular. So, do not only focus on one country or a particular region.
  • People of the age range of 18 years to 34 years spend more of their time watching youtube videos rather than watching television. In case your brand is targeting audiences of this range, then it will be beneficial to invest in creating youtube content. It is cheaper than creating television ads and effective too.
  • Youtube has an equal proportion of women and men users. This is contrary to the widespread belief that all Youtube users are not single. A major part of the youtube viewers has a college degree. 

So, if your brand is for the young generation, then youtube can make a difference in your business. Nowadays, youtube viewers are more diverse than they were previously. So you should consider the best time to post on youtube.

  • Youtube is not just a social media platform. Just after Google, Youtube is the second largest search engine. That is why Search Engine Optimization or SEO is crucial for youtube strategy as well. 

A detailed, accurate, descriptive video along with an optimized title on youtube can drive more organic traffic than a not-so-appealing title with a blank description or private, funny jokes.

  • Youtube’s indexing algorithm is not instant, unlike other social media platforms. As I have mentioned earlier, youtube behaves more like a search engine rather than a social media site. 

So, in case you want one of your video content to be searchable by Saturday evening, then it will be best if you post it by Saturday afternoon. Keep in mind that youtube requires a little more time to judge the quality of your video.

What Is The Best Time To Post On Youtube?

What Is The Best Time To Post On Youtube?

Though youtube is more popular than tv among youngsters, the watching habits are roughly the same for both cases. People more like to watch them in the evening and most during the weekends, that is from Friday evening to Saturday. It touches its peak on Sundays. So, now you can strategize your posting schedule as per this. 

Here are some general time suggestions for posting youtube videos

  • Youtube contents show the highest engagements are Friday through Saturday. You can not simply ignore the Wednesday Traffic as well.
  • It is considered that 5 PM is the best time to post on youtube. However, you will be able to see a success rate until it is 9 pm. After that, you will face some severe declining returns. 
  • The most favorable days for posting youtube videos are Sundays. But there is also a time limitation. You can either post early in the morning that is from 8 AM to 11 AM, or later in the evening, around after 5 PM. 
  • There are also some instances when posting videos early in the morning, around 8 AM Eastern. This way, you will be able to reach east coasters while they are going to the office and with the west coasters who are enjoying their lunch break. 

Try to maintain this time stream while uploading your video on youtube to get more search volumes. 

The Best Time To Post On Youtube

Though in most of the cases, the time suggestions that are mentioned earlier work pretty well, it will be best if you consider the behavior of your targeted audience. Your niche and target have the power to take you to the top as well as can make you fall. Search for the time when your video contents get more views, or a huge part of your targeted audience is surfing online. This can be the best time to post on youtube. 

In order to do so, you need to follow the below steps on VidIQ, which is a youtube certified tool.

  • Open your youtube channel.
  • Click on the youtube profile image that is on the right-hand corner of your desktop screen.
  • The studio dashboard skin will open.
  • From the navigation bar on the left-hand side, click on the option ‘Analytics.’
  • Now click on the ‘Audience’ tab.

A dashboard will open where it will show a piece of information about when your viewers are on youtube. The result is not only for your video content. It shows the time duration of the viewers who watch your video. 

The duration also includes the time that your viewers spend watching other videos on youtube. Once you get to know when your targeted audience or your viewers are spending their time on youtube, you can schedule the publishing time for all your video content. 

This tool also has the “best time to post” feature. By using this feature, you can determine the best time to post on youtube. It will also give you a three hours window with the information of when your viewers are most active on youtube. 

Final Conclusion

If you want to achieve more success for your youtube video, you should think about the best time to post on youtube. While you are creating a schedule for your youtube video posting, you need to keep in mind all the above-mentioned vital points. Consider those time intervals and use them wisely for more viewers. 

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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