
Modern Methods Of Addiction Treatment

author-img By Arnab Dey 4 Mins Read October 24, 2022 Last Updated on: February 10th, 2025

Addiction Treatment

In this article, we will consider various methods of addiction treatment that are used in the rehabilitation program at the drug and alcohol rehab centers near me.

Many addicts, one way or another, understand that it is better and safer to get out of drinking or to stop using drugs or medications in the company of other people. It should also not be forgotten that any addiction is actually not controlled by a person’s volitional processes, so willpower and desire alone are rarely enough to achieve stable sobriety.

With a correct understanding of the disease of addiction, one of the most important methods of addiction treatment is qualified outside help. Only co-dependent relatives mistakenly believe that their dependent relatives will be able to overcome the disease on their own.

Many addicts are painfully confident that they will manage their problems on their own, only making the condition worse. Even if a person agrees to begin treatment, it is difficult to maintain sobriety on their own, follow the recommendations of a narcologist or psychiatrist on taking medications, and follow a diet and rest regimen. That is why it is very useful to find a rehab facility near me on AddictionResource and start one of the drug rehabilitation programs immediately.

Modern studies have determined the fact that the percentage of breakdowns and returns to active addiction is high among those people who do not seek qualified help, both from doctors and psychologists.

Addiction treatment methods used at drug rehab centers include individual and group classes and consultations, a rehabilitation program near me at a hospital, drug addiction treatment at home, support groups for the center’s clients and co-addicts, occupational therapy, sports activities and physiotherapy, and massage.

Methods Of Treatment Of Alcoholism And Alcohol Addiction

Treatment Of Alcoholism

Starting the review of available methods of treatment of alcoholism and alcohol addiction, we note that patients with alcoholism begin treatment either under the influence of relatives, a manager, etc. We believe that, in addition to the quality of the rehabilitation program itself, a lot depends on the desire and interest of the patient and his family.

So, the methods of treatment of alcoholism and alcohol dependence can be strictly divided into two groups, these are outpatient and inpatient methods. By the way, there are methods that fall into both large groups. For example, detoxification of the body is a medical intervention in the body, necessary for the removal of toxins and easier withdrawal from drinking.

The next large group of methods of treatment of alcoholism is methods that stimulate withdrawal from alcohol. This can be done on an outpatient basis through consultations with a psychologist-psychotherapist, and the use of blocker tablets that stimulate abstinence from drinking. In more severe cases and forms of alcohol dependence, inpatient treatment methods should be used. In any case, the emphasis is on psychological work with clients.

If, in general, outpatient methods of treatment of alcohol dependence are described, then they are presented in the form of psychological consultations, both individual and group. A face-to-face conversation is held with the client about the reasons for his addiction to alcohol and ways to fight addiction. Group therapy is represented by family therapy together with relatives, so-called “conversations of three”.

Inpatient treatment methods for alcoholism combine all psychological methods, as well as occupational therapy, art therapy, sports, and employment therapy. According to the duration of inpatient treatment from 4 weeks to 3-4 months, classic rehabilitation is also used, lasting 6 months. Mutual aid groups play an important role in anti-relapse therapy.

Modern Methods Of Drug Addiction Treatment In Rehab Near Me

Drug Addiction Treatment

Starting the analysis of modern methods of drug addiction treatment, we will start with the first and most common – detoxification or treatment of withdrawal syndrome.

Most often, it is recommended to carry out the such treatment in specialized drug addiction hospitals or closed departments. In terms of duration, on average, it takes from 1 to 3 weeks, although most often the addict interrupts such treatment much earlier, after 3-5-7 days.

In modern conditions, the effectiveness of treatment aimed at drug withdrawal has increased, even in conditions of low motivation of the client. This means that when using modern psychological methods, such as “positive attitude change”, it is possible to attract a large number of drug addicts to begin treatment. In addition, outpatient drug addiction treatment methods are attractive due to their relatively inexpensive cost, although according to statistics, a high percentage of return to use is obtained.

In many countries, in particular in the USA, as one of the methods of drug addiction treatment, synthetic opiate drugs, such as methadone and its analogs, are used. As practice shows, positive results appear only at the initial stages of therapy and last for a limited time until the patient’s drug craving increases, which stimulates the search for other substances.

The most effective method of drug addiction treatment is recognized as a long course of psychological rehabilitation aimed specifically at weaning from drug use and forming new views on life. It is recommended to start rehabilitation after detoxification in a drug addiction hospital.

The goal of such treatment is to work specifically with psychological dependence, which reduces the percentage of relapse. In terms of duration, this treatment takes from 6 to 12 months or an organized rehabilitation center that follows a certain program built on psychological methods, as it is done in drug rehab centers near me.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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