Social Media

How to Build a Strong Social Media Presence for Your Brand

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read September 7, 2018 Last Updated on: May 26th, 2022

Social Media

Although social media started as an interactive and entertainment tool, it has evolved into a strong marketing tool for most brands around the world. Statistics from Statista show that in 2017, businesses made $32 billion worth of investments in social media. This number is expected to grow to $48 billion by 2021.

Most businesses around the world are present on various social media platforms with Facebook being the most utilized channel with 94% usage according to the 2018 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. However, being present on social media does not necessarily mean that you will get a good ROI and followers by just sharing a daily blurb or link. There are lots of other parameters that amount to successful social media campaigns. Here’s how you can strengthen your presence on social media.

1. Set goals and objectives:

Having clear-cut goals and objectives that are tied to your personal and business goals is an essential factor when building your social media presence. Set SMART goals and objectives based on what you want to achieve through social media. In doing so, you can strategize on how to reach them. An example of a smart goal is “to achieve a 30% response rate on Facebook by the end of the first half of the year.” SMART goals are not only achievable but also measurable using social media measurement tools such as the share count.

2. Identify the tools that your audience use most:

Which social media platform does your target audience use the most? To answer this question, you ought to know who your audience is and what they do. Once you know this, you can identify where they hang out online. One of the best ways to single out the most used platforms by your target audience is through your audience personas, the imaginary human beings who represent segments of your audience. Upon identifying the most popular tools, capitalize on them.


3. Seek to establish relationships:

Prioritize relationships over followers, as relationships will win your loyalty and more conversions. To achieve great relationships on social media engage your audience on a human level by sending humanized messages instead of messages that are structured for bots. If they have any questions about a shared message, make sure that you answer them in the comments section to spark a discussion. Interact with anyone who shows interest in your brand to make them feel cared for and connected to you.

4. Be consistent:

Brand consistency is an essential parameter that helps build a strong social media presence. Use consistent headshots, photos, logos, and slogans on social media to make your brand memorable, avoid conflicting personalities, and to avoid confusing your audience. For example, always make sure that you use properly sized photos. Aside from a lack of brand consistency, another mistake that most businesses make is a lack of posting consistency. This affects their visibility and makes it hard for them to gain search engine traction. Create a social media marketing calendar which include things like what to post and when to post it.

5. Utilize visual content:

Do reports indicate that content with relevant images gets 94 percent more views on social media?  82 percent of marketers say that images are an essential part of social media optimization. 52 percent agree that videos produce a higher ROI. If you want more people to view the content you share, add relevant images, videos, and infographics.

6. Provide valuable and shareable information:

Give your social media fans valuable information, instead of generic information, that supports your brand image. Always generate creative content that is shareable, to prompt your audience to share it with their friends and family. Having valuable content on social media adds to your credibility and inspires people to act on your messages. For professional and club teams, using a sports social media app makes sharing compelling content easy.


7. Include icons on your blog/website:

Add icons of the social media platforms that you use on your blog or website to make it easy for readers to like and follow you. In addition to this, link your social media profiles to your website to make it easy for people who see you on social media to learn more about your business.

Once you follow this guide, you are guaranteed a stronger social media presence. Remember not to “overshare” about yourself. Find unique ways to talk about other things in your industry to avoid boring your audience.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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