
Most Common Reasons To Be Referred To An Oncologist?

author-img By Subham Shah 5 Mins Read October 4, 2022


The usual approach when dealing with potential medical issues is to visit your general practitioner. They will establish what symptoms you have and what this could mean. It’s common for a doctor to run additional tests before referring you to a specialist.

Of course, being referred to any type of specialist is concerning, you will immediately have an array of questions. But, you should remember that the specialists are there to help you deal with whatever the issue is.

The Role Of An Oncologist

The Role Of An Oncologist

An oncologist is a medical professional that is dedicated to treating cancer. Their role is to confirm a cancer diagnosis and then advise you regarding the available treatment methods and what is likely to be most effective in your case.

They will discuss the implications and benefits of each treatment option, advise you on what they think is best, and allow you to make your own decision.

Once you’ve decided on the right treatment, they will supervise the treatment, regularly check on your progress, and manage any care you need after treatment is completed.

It’s worth looking into the latest developments and speaking to these professionals about them. For instance, stereotactic radiotherapy uses a high dose of radiation to kill all cancer cells in the targeted area. It’s surprisingly effective and worth looking into.

Why You Would Be Referred To An Oncologist

Why You Would Be Referred To An Oncologist

Being referred doesn’t mean you have cancer. It does mean that the symptoms associated with your illness or poor well-being are similar to cancer, making it a possible cause.

Your doctor will have referred you to have additional tests done. They will then be able to confirm whether you have cancer or something else. It’s important to tell your doctor and your oncologist about all your symptoms. This will help them identify the problem and offer the best solution possible.

You should note that many types of cancer can be cured if they are found early. That’s why it’s essential you speak to your doctor as soon as you notice an issue.

Types Of Oncologists

Types Of Oncologists

Because cancer can affect so many different parts of your body and there are many variants, there are several types of oncologists. The one you see will depend on the type of cancer you have or are suspected of having.

1. Surgical

A surgical oncologist removes tumors, that’s clusters of cancer cells. They are likely to remove some of the surrounding tissue to help prevent the cancer from returning. These are the people that operate on you once your cancer has been diagnosed.

2. Medical

The medical oncologist specialises in treating cancer with chemotherapy, hormone therapies, and an array of other medically approved options. This is the person you are likely to see most as they guide you through the recovery process.

3. Radiation

A radiation oncologist is a radiation specialist. They will use radiation therapy to kill cancer cells in your body. This type of oncology needs extensive training and understanding of radiation and its effect on the body. Going to an oncologist can be scary. But, it doesn’t mean you have cancer and, if you do, you’re in the best possible hands.

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Subham Shah

Subham Shah is a marketing professional tasked with managing different facets of digital marketing. He helps businesses with different SaaS startups, their planning, and execution. He might be a millennial but has a soft heart of old-school hard rock and metal music.

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