
Wonder Who Is Selene Gomez Dating Right Now?

author-img By sagnika sinha 5 Mins Read December 30, 2023 Last Updated on: February 3rd, 2025

who is selena gomez dating

Do you like “The Heart Wants What It Wants” singer? Who is Selena Gomez dating currently? Read the article to learn about the popular singer’s choices in men! After all Selena Gomez movies have already turned our heads!

Even though I will talk about all the relationships Selena seems to have over the years, many of them are based on rumors! She is an outspoken woman and always has been, so she has never really tried to lie or mislead her fans or the media.

Yet, at times, the paparazzi have taken liberties with the representation of her love life and even demeaned her! I want to set the record straight by saying that not every man she hangs out with is her boyfriend. So go ahead and read the article to decide for yourself!

Wonder Who Is Selene Gomez Dating Right Now?

She has recently dropped her latest track, “Single Soon,” which is an ode to her personal life! Selena is a witty, smart, and intelligent woman who takes life with a pinch of salt, so she keeps posting on TikTok with her little jokes about being single.

However, the fans are still at it, wanting to know who is Selena Gomez dating right now! So here we are with a list of men linked to Selena at one point or another; while she has confirmed some, she has ignored some.

Zayn Malik is the current name that keeps on appearing everywhere, especially after March 2023, as the guy Selena is dating. According to a TikTok user, Selena and One Direction singer Zain Malik have been kissing at a New York City hotspot.

Even Entertainment Tonight has confirmed that a source close to them has confirmed that both the popular singers were spotted at SoHo in New York City at about 10:30 P.M. They were walking hand in hand and had been spotted kissing, which was interpreted as a date on which they went.

They seemed quite comfortable with each other! The restaurant goers and staff only disturbed or noticed them a little. However, in June 2023, both singers unfollowed each other on Instagram. It is speculated that she is currently single!

Everyone Selena Gomez Has Dated Till Date…

We are addressing men who have been, at one point, spotted along with Selena in a dating capacity! It is important to understand that she is a single and, beautiful, talented woman, so it is completely okay for men to be attracted to her.

It is also completely okay for her to choose with whom she is having a good time. Further along, all these men are successful in their lives and have created a name for themselves!

The Weeknd

Another pattern of singers in her life, Selena dated The Weeknd in 2017 as they were seen at Coachella and Santa Monica. She has also shared pictures of them on Instagram. Distance was the major reason for their break up, as per the sources.

Charlie Puth

In 2016, Selena was rumored to be dating another famous singer, Charlie Puth; however, it was denied on their part. Puth later informed Billboard that the relationship was quite effective, even short-lived.

It has been observed that Puth hated Beiber, and we know why! He once commented that he knew he wasn’t the only one on her mind.

Niall Horan

Another One Direction band member was rumored to be involved with Selena Gomez in the late 2o15. They regularly hung out while they seemed comfortable physically; however, all rumors of their dating have been denied.


Gomez dated Zedd in 2015, and the world learned when the individuals started appearing on each other’s Instagram. Years later, it was revealed that they dated, and Zedd shared the reason for their breakup.

They broke up again because of Selena’s popularity; reporters called his parents, and his friends’ phones were hacked because the paparazzi wanted information!

Orlando Bloom

When Selena was separated from Beiber, she was dating Orlando Bloom, or so it is rumored. From 2014 to 2016, she has been romantically dating Bloom intermittently, despite no confirmation. So, Bloom has been included in the list of “who is Selena Gomez dating”!

Justin Bieber

The one that she will never forget! Justin Beiber is a love that Selena Gomez experienced for an extended period. They have separated, and Beiber has moved on to marry Hailey Baldwin, and yet, it seems fans of Gomez and Beiber can never get over these two. He is the one who got away!

These two popular music artists were first linked in 2009 when Justin sang “One Less Lonely Girl”! People went crazy. Even though they did not start dating immediately, they did start dating in 2010. However, they broke up in 2014 when they fought over Kylie Jenner.

Selena found Jenner’s photos in Beiber’s phone, according to the rumors, and even though they patched up, things escalated from thereon. Again, they split up for three years, especially because of Beiber’s complicated relationship with Kendal Jenner.

The relationship was toxic, and as both the singers were quite young, many things went down. During this period, Beiber also dated his current wife, Hailey! Later, in 2016, he started posting pictures of them as throwbacks and again dating Sofia Ritchie out of the blue.

In 2017, the two started a relationship where they hung around at low-key sports venues, local places, and date nights at home. They were catching up and enjoying each other’s company; unfortunately, things didn’t work out.

The underlying currents are messy and complicated; however, in 2018, Hailey Baldwin was in the picture again, and within the same year, Beiber was scooped up by Hailey.

Taylor Lautner

The Twilight star Taylor Lautner, dated Selena Gomez for a short while in 2009! One of the major reasons for their breakup was because of their popularity. The paparazzi were giving them too much attention, which led to several issues among them.

Lautner also has a history with Taylor Swift, as he dated her in 2009, but only for a brief period! All is well as he starred in one of the music videos by Swift alongside Joel King in 2023.

Nick Jonas

Selena dated Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers fame in 2008, but for a brief point! She also worked in the music video by the Jonas Brothers called “Burnin’ Up,” and they are still friends!

Finishing Off…

Now that you know who is Selena Gomez dating, which is no one, do you imagine you are the one who will take her out on a date? Or are the ladies reading this article thinking that it’s not just them who cannot get their prince charming?

Do you think that women who are successful and speak their minds are better alone? Or is it the fault of men who cannot accept women in all their power and glory?

Comment on which relationship of Selena Gomez you most relate to and why.

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sagnika sinha

Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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