
3 Tips For Protecting Your Body During A Hunting Trip

author-img By Mashum Mollah 3 Mins Read April 29, 2021 Last Updated on: December 28th, 2024

3 Tips For Protecting Your Body During A Hunting Or Backpacking Trip

For those who love hiking, hunting, or backpacking, there’s a certain amount of physical preparation. That you’re likely used to doing before you leave on one of your adventures. But despite how much you train and prepare for hunting trips, there’s always a chance that something unforeseen could happen. That could cause you to get injured on your expedition.

To help you avoid issues like this, even when you’re packing in a heavy hunting rifle or wearing a lot of gear, here are three tips for protecting your body during a hunting or backpacking trip.

Make Yourself Visible

Especially for those who are going on hunting trips or are planning to go backpacking during hunting season, one of the biggest priorities for you should be making yourself visible to other hunters. The last thing you want to have happened is for a hunter to mistake you for the prey they’re hunting because you’re blending in too much with your surroundings.

To give yourself the best chance of being as visible as possible, Mark Lebetkin, a contributor to USA Today, recommends that you always wear blaze-orange on some part of your person. This could be as a vest, on your hat, or even a cover on some of your gear. Hunters and other people out in the wilderness know to look out for this color, so protect yourself by wearing it.

Focus On Your Feet

Even if your body is in great condition for hunting or backpacking, one small misstep while walking along a trail could destroy your ability to move around.

Knowing this, the US Forest Service advises that you always give your feet the most attention when it comes to protecting the rest of your body from injury. Make sure you’re wearing shoes that give your feet as well as your ankles the necessary support. And when you’re walking along rivers, streams, or cliffs, always check your footing to ensure that you’re being safe. Considering the risk involved, these types of utensils are among the most important. Also, making sure to get the right boots for hunting season is an overlooked factor. Your hunting season depends on both your skills and the right clothing from top to bottom.

Keep Your Goals Reasonable

One big reason people end up getting hurt while backpacking or hunting is because they push their bodies past their breaking point. If you try to do more than you’re physically able to, you could severely injure all kinds of areas of your body.

To avoid this, Simone M. Scully, a contributor to The Weather Channel, advises that you make sure you’re setting reasonable goals for yourself. If you reach that goal and can do more, then that’s great. But try not to get in over your head for the risk of hurting yourself.

If you’re planning on taking a backpacking or hunting trip in the future, consider using the tips. Mentioned above to help you protect your body from injury during your adventure.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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