
A Moment of Truth: How to Have an Intervention

author-img By Mashum Mollah 3 Mins Read November 21, 2018 Last Updated on: November 7th, 2024


There’s nothing worse than watching someone you care about become a completely different person because of addiction. When a person is dependent on the use of alcohol or other drugs, they lose sight of who they really are. They become irritable, confrontational, deceptive, and unpredictable.

Not to mention, their physical and mental health takes a serious toll, as does their personal relationships. Addiction spreads like cancer to all areas of a person’s life until all that’s left is the pain – and a lot of work to do to recover.

If you’ve been noticing such a downward spiral in someone you love, it’s time to take action. Here’s a quick guide on how to have an intervention, which you should use ASAP.

1. Coordinate with Loved Ones:

The thing about bringing someone to their senses is that it’s hard to do so alone. Your intervention is more likely to succeed if you get more people involved.

As such, the first step to planning this talk is to reach out to those who the addicted person is close to. Talk to their roommates, their siblings and parents, and their childhood friends.

Even if you’re not sure how much these people know about your loved one’s drug use or alcoholic symptoms, reaching out to them will help the person affected get the help they need.

2. Create a Safe Space:

Once you get everyone on board with your plan to host an intervention, start working out the details. The most important of which is arguably where to host the intervention and how to get the person who it’s for in that place.

You don’t want to trick your loved one or outright force them to listen to you. This will only push them away and make their recovery that much harder to get started. Instead, try to pick a place that is familiar and comforting to them, then figure out how you’ll get them there in a loving manner.

3. Practice What Will Be Said:

Getting the addict to sit down and be willing to hear everyone out is only half the work. The other half is to make sure all the participants of the intervention are speaking with care and compassion.

There’s no room for judgment or blame in this space. No matter what has happened over the course of a person’s addiction, their intervention is a time when everyone needs to be focused on the future.

It’s when all their loved ones should talk about the next steps and how much they genuinely care about the addict in question – not how hurt they’ve been by their addictions while under the influence.

How to Have an Intervention for Something Other Than Drugs:

Keep in mind that, sometimes, the reason for an intervention has nothing to do with drugs. It’s also worth figuring out how to have an intervention for someone who is in an abusive relationship or addicted to something like sex or gambling.

This isn’t to say that an intervention is always the answer when you’re trying to support someone you love. But, it is a good idea if you’ve already tried other things and you just want to express that you want the best for them.

For additional insights on how to support a loved one who’s in a bad place, click here.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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