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Things to Consider when you Plan to Develop a Mobile Application

author-img By Arun Goyal 5 Mins Read January 25, 2018 Last Updated on: July 16th, 2021

mobile apps development

Nowadays, it has become a common trend among people to turn to their mobile phones to meet their everyday computing needs. Hence, mobile apps present an appealing way to enhance sales, collect data and drive brand awareness. A business app that is well-designed does a wonderful job of drawing users’ attention and also helps them in solving any issues by guiding them about the particular services.

However, creating an app is not that easy and a lot goes into its making and launch. A building, marketing, and maintaining an app is an investment on its own.

Hence, here we have provided a list of things that brands should consider as they start off with the mobile app development process.

Read More: Things To Look For In An iOS App Developer

Serve something different:

There is a tendency in human beings that they easily get bored of one thing and hence they are always in search of something fresh and different. This applies to mobile apps as well. Like out there you can easily find millions of mobile apps available and hence mobile users crave something new. Thus, as you begin with the development, ensure that you are creating something interesting and has the potential of keeping the users engaged with your app.

Know what is out there:

Exploring mobile applications for each platform that you are planning to support is vital. Interface paradigms and the collection of mobile apps differ for each platform. It is easy to know what is possible on each platform and also the user’s experiences when you experiment with the most prominent apps. During the exploration process, using a different mobile platform device works best.


Everything you choose you to do must be done with cent-percent accuracy and efficiency, or else there is no point in doing it. Don’t do it just for the sake of doing it. Users have these expectations from every mobile app out there. Like, the app must be efficient in every way and it must also be inclusive of data management strategies. Smartphone applications that use 3G or 4G data most excessively have high chances of being downloaded and forgotten. Hence, ensure that your mobile applications use data efficiently and consume less data if you don’t want to land in that abandoned category.

Understand your target users:

It goes without saying that understanding your target users is the most crucial step. You need to know the technologies used by them as well as their requirements and goals. Here you need to research the platforms that are most likely being used by your audience and then gain a proper understanding of each user experience. Keep in mind that every device is different and every user has multiple requirements they want to meet through an app.

In-depth Market Research:

Conducting proper market research is a crucial element before you begin the app development process. You get proper insights regarding your competitors, their strengths, their weaknesses, their strategies by analyzing the market thoroughly. By using this knowledge you can steer clear of repeating the mistakes made by your competitors. While researching, often businesses overlook customer reviews, which is not a smart move as by analyzing these reviews you can know about the users’ likes and dislikes regarding a particular kind of app.

Thus, it becomes crucial to take note of the user pain areas and trying to resolve them via your mobile app. This strategy offers you a chance to win the customers of your competitors as well.

Correct Pricing:

Never ignore this crucial and most challenging step in the app development process: Pricing. It is important that you price your mobile app correctly. It is quite easy to determine the price of an article that involves any products, but deciding upon the price for an app is tough. iPhone or Android app developers must consider numerous factors as s/he is the one that decides the pricing standards of your app as per the complexities and its featured attributes.

Get the right balance between your users and your business:

mobile apps development

It can often be difficult to balance business drivers with real users as most often these two are never on the same page. Hence, in order to make smart trade-offs, arming yourself with the right information is important. Collecting research like expert opinions, user studies, technical feasibility, and business viability issues proves to be useful. Use this data to attain the best balance between business-value gains and user-centric solutions.

Test the app before releasing in the market:

Your mobile app must be tested before it is launched in the market. Having an understanding prior to app launch and testing the app accordingly as per the user requirements can augment the chances of your app, getting a hit. As an app is developed, ensure that it has all the attractive features, like it must deliver high performance, be easy to understand, should be creative. Pre-testing your app before it is out there in the mass market enables you to find if your app lacks some important features.

Once the alpha testing is successful, it is time to recruit beta testers, to begin with, the second phase of testing. It is advised that you learn as much as you can with beta testers and make effort to improvise as per the observations. Out there in the market, there are number of app testing tools available that can be used to organize beta testing.

Plan for multiple releases:

Releasing the initial version is just the start when it comes to a mobile app. Statistics reveal that there are more chances of user re-engagement with your mobile app when new features are added consistently. To boost user engagement, spreading key functionality across the first handful of releases is very useful. However, ensure that you are not releasing the updated app version too often or else you will end irritating the users. Keep your users engaged with a 2-3 month window between crucial releases.

If you are in the process of developing an app for your business, ensure that you take care of these aspects during your app development process and make your mobile app bound to acquire a high level of success.

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Arun Goyal

Arun Goyal is Founder & Managing Director at Octal IT Solution, a leading Web, and Mobile App Development Firm offering a platform to hire dedicated mobile app developers.

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