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SEO Agencies Can Harness the Power of Social Media

author-img By Mashum Mollah 3 Mins Read November 21, 2020 Last Updated on: September 22nd, 2022

SEO Agencies

SEO agencies can help level the playing field of small or regional brands trying to compete with large brands. They do this by aggressively marketing the smaller brand on Social Media platforms.

The worldwide phenomenon of social media has given a skilled and experienced SEO agency many more avenues to explore in marketing a client’s products and services than ever before. Social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and LINE, have all created advertising platforms that allow for audience targeting, and ads to be placed in many different formats.

The ads not only reach a wide audience, but they are inexpensive to produce. This is ideal for the smaller, struggling brand who is trying to achieve the marketing reach of their larger competitor, but without an extensive budget to spend on advertising.

Focusing on Target Audiences

One of the main benefits that social media provides for smaller or regional brands is the ability to focus on smaller segments of a market. Smaller brands don’t have the production capabilities of their large competitors. For them to even attempt to market on the same scale would likely cause significant problems to their ability to supply all the customers they would get in the process, and this would damage their brand image and reputation.

A partner SEO agency can tailor a brand’s social media advertising campaigns to their client’s production abilities as well as its most valuable target audience. Many small and regional brands can build their brands responsibly and sustainably with the capabilities that social media advertising offers.

Different Ad Formats for Different Industries

Social media platforms offer different types of ad formats. These include written, video, and image ads, but they also include variations in the size and placement location of the ads that have a bearing on costs.

The experience agency can help the brand figure out what the most effective ad formats are for the particular products and services offered by the brand. They can help their clients work out a complete strategy that addresses all the budgetary, design, and content requirements of the campaign.

Combining All the Variables

The SEO agency can also design ads for their client’s products and services that make the most of the ad formats and the tools of both the agency and the social media ad platform. This attention to the creative side of the equation, as well as the placement logistics and the actual running of the campaigns across the different platforms, makes the agency invaluable to their clients.

The SEO agency will provide reports on the progress of the campaigns by platform, product, and target audience. An experienced agency is data-driven, and they use this data to help arrive at the best advice for their clients to help them arrive on the best strategy both before the campaign starts and during the campaign.

This flexibility and adaptability prove the value of using social media advertising as a tool to help small brands compete with their larger competitors.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at MashumMollah.com.

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