
How The Rich And Famous Hide Their Money And Pay Less Tax

author-img By Akram Mondal 5 Mins Read August 18, 2022

Pay Less Tax

The rich and famous of the world have been able to accumulate wealth at a rapid rate, and they take great care to protect their assets.

Wealthy individuals tend to pay less tax because they understand how to use the system to their advantage. This includes using companies and trusts to avoid certain taxes. 

Trusts are also a common tool that wealthy individuals use to hide their money from the public. They do this for a number of reasons, and the most pressing reason for them is to protect their assets.

If a trust or another legal entity owns an asset, it cannot be accessed by creditors of an individual. This provides protection for an asset even when the worst-case scenario occurs.

How Are Rich People Hiding Money Without Paying Property Tax?

One of the common forms of trust that wealthy individuals establish is a private trust company. The State Of Tennessee defines a private trust company as “an organization acting as the fiduciary in Tennessee. And it does not transact with trusted businesses among the general public. 

All individuals who control the private trust company, as well as those who control or establish entities that control the private trust company, must be “family members.” and pay less tax.

Property Tax

1. Irrevocable Asset

A private trust company is mostly used by families who possess irrevocable asset protection trusts. The trust, as a legal entity, is created to service a single family, with each member of the family able to be involved in the management of the private trust company. 

This may seem ideal for some, but a private trust company will not suit all families, especially those who have a significant amount of assets. 

Wealthy families interested in establishing a multi-generational transfer of assets should consider a private trust company as it offers a sound economic plan. However, Private trust companies provide privacy, control, and flexibility while also being expensive to maintain in terms of time and money and pay less tax.

2. Reduced Costs

A private trust company (PTC) is accompanied by several costs to establish the trust. These costs are often compensated by the long-term benefits of a PTC, which is noticeably more affordable than the administrative costs associated with other types of trusts. 

Wyoming is the state with the lowest capital requirements in the US. 

This means that a wealthy family is not required to operate an office or employ staff on a full-time basis. Wyoming requires that families at least employ a firm that will manage the administrative work required of the PTC.

3. Privacy

PTCs typically experience a great deal of privacy, and this is no different for a PTC which administers a trust. A PTC will encounter lower standards of reporting as well as lower requirements in general than a public trust company and pay less tax. 

Wealthy families who create a PTC for themselves are able to exercise noticeable control over their economic situation. However, only a few states allow families to form PTCs.

4. Increased Control

A PTC allows a family to have a greater degree of control over their finances than other types of trusts do.

PTCs do not require a corporate trustee, and this means that a family is the only one to decide on the manner in which assets are distributed through intergenerational wealth transfer. 

The family decides who will serve the trust in the required governing roles, which include the board of managers, appointers, and trust company officers.

5. More Flexibility

When a PTC issues a governance provision, this influences the operation of the trust. This does not prevent a PTC from creating unique specifications for separate trusts. 

A family with a PTC can elect their child to be in charge of the committee which manages the investments for that child’s trust. A family can modify their PTC to suit their needs and wants should these change over time by simply paying less tax.

6. Succession Planning

A PTC is a useful tool that assists families with passing assets on to their children. A PTC will not be subject to the fickle nature of an individual, and as such, the procedures of this pay less tax method ensure the legal continuity of the trust. 

This continuity requires a strategy for succession that takes into account the PTC and its management. Some may find succession planning intimidating, but this is a necessary step to protect assets for multiple generations.

PTCs are usually established in Wyoming, Nevada, Florida, and South Dakota. These states have low legal fees and do not impose capital requirements on families. That is why attorneys who specialize in family law will ordinarily establish a PTC in one of these states.

7. Kinder Statutes

The aforementioned states offer a trust-friendly legal environment for wealthy families who are interested in establishing a PTC. A state such as California does not have a very friendly environment for establishing trust simply while paying less tax.

This does not mean that a California family can not take advantage of the friendlier environment in another state. Another state can offer a family a significantly longer duration of the trust and no income tax at a state level. 

A PTC will offer a family a strong form of protection against creditors and legal concerns.  

Families who are considering establishing a private trust company should consider consulting a resource prepared by Wyoming LLC Attorney.

Final Thoughts

The rich and famous hide their money and pay less tax through a number of methods and an understanding of the system. One of the methods they use to hide their wealth is trust. A private trust organization is a company that is established purely to manage the trust of a family. 

This is a popular choice among wealthy families who are seeking to preserve and protect their assets, often with the intention of facilitating intergenerational wealth transfers. A PTC offers several benefits to wealthy families, which is part of the appeal of the structure. 

These benefits include privacy, flexibility, and succession planning. A family who is interested in establishing a PTC should carefully consider the state in which they establish the PTC. This can have a number of implications for how the trust is handled at the state level. 


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Akram Mondal

Akram Ali Mondal is an experienced professional in the field of Digital Marketing with a myriad of experiences in enabling brands to accomplish goals. With a sound expertise in different aspects of SEO, SEM, Affiliate Marketing and data-driven marketing, Akram is a thriving marketing consultant as well as a brand maker.

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