
What Should I Do If My Newborn Is Allergic To Milk?

author-img By Mashum Mollah 3 Mins Read October 18, 2021 Last Updated on: January 13th, 2025

allergic to milk

When allergy symptoms appear in infants, they always scare the parents. The first step is to consult a pediatrician who will examine, set a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment, and most signs will disappear within two weeks. But, can you ever guess the milk can be the culprit? Yes, sometimes infants are acutely allergic to milk. And after you give the milk, the allergic symptoms appear.

The allergy diagnosis doesn’t have to affect the breastfeeding procedure because it will remain the best nutritional option for your baby.

Common Causes Of Allergy

Common Causes Of Allergy

Two common reasons play a decisive role in the formation of cow protein allergy: hereditary predisposition and immaturity of the organism.  The risk of developing hereditary allergies in a child is approximately 40%. If both mom and dad are allergic, then this probability increases to 80%. 

As for the immaturity of the organism, this condition is natural for all children under one year old. The gastrointestinal tract is primarily undeveloped, hence the problems with digestion, so frequent in infants. Functional immaturity is a temporary factor, so most kids successfully outgrow milk intolerance.

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How To Know Cow Milk Is The Culprit?

How To Know Cow Milk Is The Culprit?

Many newborns are showing the symptoms and are allergic to milk. But knowing the fact is the challenge. Hence sometimes, the baby food also can be responsible for the allergy. Because for the newborns, some of the allergic reactions show immediate effects, and others show late results.

Here are the symptoms by which you will be sure and distinguish the differences.

  • Skin reactions and allergic red spots are appearing on the skin within 2 to three hours after consuming the cow’s milk.
  • Digestive problems and frequent vomiting and mood swing
  • Fever-like symptoms with runny and blocked noses.
  • Itchy skin and eczema-like skin rashes appear on the infant’s body skin.

Check The Lactose Intolerance

Sometimes parents confuse milk protein allergy with lactose intolerance, although they differ. Both diseases have some common symptoms; however, different causes and treatments are available. In addition, milk allergy usually appears at an early age, while lactose intolerance is extremely rare before five years.

The symptoms of allergic to milk dairy products appear when the baby’s immune system reacts to proteins found in cow milk. As a result, a child might have skin problems or digestive issues.  Lactose intolerance doesn’t affect the immune system. It is actually lactase deficiency, a disability to digest the lactose sugar found in cow milk.

How to identify lactose intolerance?

When your newborn is allergic to milk, they are going to show you many symptoms. The most common reason for milk allergy is lactose intolerance. But this causes you can identify very easily.

Here are the common symptoms of lactose intolerance among newborn children.

  • Frequent diarrhea
  • The stomach rumbling including pains
  • Gas and wind passing 
  • Vomiting

These four are the common symptoms of lactose intolerances. Hence you are finding this type of symptom two hours after consuming the cow milk. So then, lactose intolerances are the reason for milk allergy.

Find Alternative Supplements For Your Newborn

If breastfeeding is not possible, or when it is supplemented with a formula, a pediatrician will help you choose the correct feeding that is free of cow milk proteins. Such baby food is designed according to the special needs of kids and contains all the nutrients to keep up the healthy growth and development. 

For example, in the HiPP HA formula, cow milk protein is hydrolyzed so that it is no longer recognized by the child’s immune system, and therefore an allergic reaction does not appear. You’d also try formulas without amino acids.\

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Bottom Line:

Many infants are allergic to milk and develop lactose intolerances. So when you find these kinds of problems do not hesitate to consult the problem with doctors. And many alternative supplementary baby foods are available in the market, which is free from lactose. Read through the ingredient list first, then select your baby food. Now, many treatments are also available to recover from lactose intolerances? For these, consult the doctor.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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