If you run your own business, digital marketing is not something you can afford to overlook, and this complex field is best left to the experts who are employed by the leading SEO agencies. SERP, or Search Engine Results Page, is a search directory that now offers a lot of important data that can be used to improve online marketing.
Here is our pick of the 5 SERP features that you can access.
1. Featured Snippets –
This is Google’s way of answering questions and this snippet would typically contain a web address, an answer extracted from a website, with a link to the website in question.
This snippet is usually found just above the number 1 organic search and it is an important feature as it establishes credibility, while also developing your branding.
2. Reviews –
This is a unique way to present the searcher with data, which is generally used with recipes, products, events, and businesses.
While Google does not share how it chooses the sites for reviews, a leading company like Digital Search Group Australia would be able to ensure that your platform is highlighted in the reviews feature.
One thing that you can do is to post a few positive customer reviews on your website, as Google does take notice of this.
3. Video Features –
The video snippet takes thumbnail clips that appear with organic search results and they have a title, a short clip of the video, and link back to the video in question.
There is also a short description and most of the videos used are from YouTube, which Google just happens to own! The Google search engine does rate videos in a positive way and when it is sure that a video is relevant, a larger than usual thumbnail will appear.
4. Related Questions –
If Google thinks there are other related questions, they might appear in the organic search results.
This is very helpful to the user as it brings up questions the searcher may not have thought about; if you want the very best in digital marketing, contact a leading SEO agency in Sydney if you are based in the city, and let them carry out a free online assessment of your digital profile.
Finding an SEO agency in your area is easy through an online search.
5. Local Packs & Teaser Pac
ks –
Local packs offer a brief description, business location, and a link to their website and are typically used for hotels, restaurants, and other such businesses.
The main difference between local and teaser packs, is the teaser packs offer more in-depth information and if you want Google to include your business in their packs, you need to be near the top of the organic search results.
If, like most business owners, you find digital marketing to be complicated, why not talk to a leading SEO agency near you? They can tailor their many services to suit the client and with their expertise, your business will reap the benefits.
The SERP features are a small part of search engine optimization and when you enlist the services of a leading SEO agency, they can help to put your business on the map.