
The Impact an Auto Accident Can Have on Your Career

author-img By Mashum Mollah 3 Mins Read February 24, 2021 Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024

Auto Accident

Whether you’ve been in an accident yourself, or know someone who has, we can all appreciate the huge impact on drivers, pedestrians, family, and a whole lot more people. As a rule, when we think about accidents, we tend to only consider the immediate scene: crumpled cars, physical injuries, and the consequential traffic jam; we don’t consider the long-term impact. There are a staggering 6 million auto accidents in the US alone, leading to an abundance of potential problems.

In the following article, we will go through some of the ways that an auto accident can impact a person’s life and career.

Incapacitating Injuries:

There is a range of ways that injuries sustained from auto accidents can affect your career, ranging in severity. Missed work due to appointments or being physically unable to attend work can jeopardize your work. For example, you can miss out on vital information needed, or lose out on highly paid over-time, causing delays in progression and the need to push deadlines back. Although companies cannot dismiss you purely for being injured in a car accident, they can let you go for not being able to carry out your job – which is where the lines are blurred. If you find yourself in a position where you have been unfairly dismissed, there are people out there who can help you fight back against the person who caused the accident: be sure to contact a trusted personal injury lawyer like Horst Shewmaker for advice.



For most people, jobs require us to have a range of movement. If you, for example, work in a warehouse doing heavy handling and were in an accident that left you unable to use your legs, you would be unable to carry out your duties. The chances are, in cases like this, businesses would have no option but to let you go. Something as earth-shattering as this could lead you to suffer mental health issues, like depression, that require support. You would be left having to rebuild your life, retrain and the impact on your health would be damaging to your career; there would be a considerable cost involved as well.

Loss of Income:

Loss of Income

Most businesses will allow you time to heal after being involved in a collision. However, not every company will pay you for that time. For some people this can be catastrophic, starting a chain of events that can lead to falling behind on payments, acquiring debt, and in some cases becoming homeless. If you do find yourself heading towards losing your home, there are people out there who can support you. For example, the National Alliance to End Homelessness can help you with income opportunities.

Auto accidents impact peoples’ lives in so many ways, and their career is only one such way, often leading to other issues that we don’t always consider. The biggest thing to remember if you have been involved in a detrimental collision is that you aren’t alone and there are organizations that can help you out.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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