
What are the uses of Dihydroboldenone 1 Testosterone Cypionate?

author-img By Abdul Mondal 5 Mins Read September 15, 2021 Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024



The use of Dihydroboldenone is on the rise. People with low testosterone levels are using it to boost their testosterone level. Since you have clicked on the link to one of my blogs, chances are you are looking for ways to boost your testosterone. If it is indeed the case, then you are here at the right place as through this article I will be telling you everything that you need to know about Dihydroboldenone

What is DHB Steroid? It is a legal drug that is often prescribed by dietitians to their clients to boost testosterone. If you feel that you are suffering from low testosterone levels then you definitely need to have this drug. Dihydroboldenone makes sure that you get testosterone at proper levels in your body. Testornere is also called the man hormone, it is used to do all the manly activities.  So without wasting any further time let us take a look at the nitty-gritty of Dihydroboldenone.

Usage and Effects of DHB:

DHB, Dihydroboldenone, or 1-testosterone, is a powerful anabolic steroid that has been a preferred choice among bodybuilders. It is a 5-alpha reduced form of boldenone (Equipoise) that works quite differently, often perceived as a DHT adaptation of equipoise.

What exactly does DHB mean?

In theory, DHB steroid has a 200:100 ratio of anabolic to androgenic, as compared to testosterone’s ratio which is 100:100. So, we can see that testosterone is 50% less anabolic than DHB. However, the written ratio can be deceptive. In reality, DHB is very less androgenic, and as compared to other steroids, it does not lead to side effects like blood pressure and aggression. Apart from that, it is milder than other steroids due to which it does not put the burden on the kidneys as well.

That being said, since DHB steroid has a high anabolic level, it leads to a good gain in lean muscle. As compared to equipoise, Deca Durabolin, and testosterone, DHB has a more anabolic level, that too without causing any aromatizing effects. As a result, you don’t need to worry about any estrogenic after-effects like water retention, gynecomastia, etc. However, if you wish to accumulate water weight overnight and gain pounds immediately, then DHB steroid would not be able to give you the desired results.

One undesirable side effect of DHB steroid is the pain you have to bear after the injection. The pain starts immediately after the injection and your muscle feels sore for several days continuously. However, you should not avoid taking DHB due to this side effect, as there are several ways to manage this kind of pain. For example, you can dilute a compound with oil. Experienced users may also use sterilized grapeseed oil to manage the pain. Another way is to heat up the oil and then inject it slowly in little amounts one muscle at a time. I hope now you know the basics of Dihydroboldenone

How to Use Dihydroboldenone:

Typically, a DHB cycle starts with an oral dose of 400-500mg per week in conjunction with some2 testosterone. Usually, an aromatase inhibitor is also used to counter the increase in estrogen levels from testosterone. Supplements like N2Guard are also taken for added support. I hope now you know how to use Dihydroboldenone.

What Are The Effects Of Dihydroboldenone On The Human Body?

Just like trenbolone, DHB steroid also shows thermogenic effects that lead to insomnia and sweating at night. It does not affect your appetite and can lead to bulking and strength gain. Although its name seems similar to testosterone and equipoise, it has properties similar to trenbolone. Since DHB has suppressive properties like most steroids, it needs post-cycle therapy to be followed, along with taking support supplements during the cycle.

Can DHB be used by women?

Androgenic compounds are known to cause virilization symptoms in women, such as the enlarged clitoris, men-like hair on the body and face, deeper voice, etc. Theoretically, DHB steroid and testosterone have the same androgenic properties, but androgenic symptoms displayed by both are not the same, due to which females often avoid testosterone over Dihydroboldenone. Apart from that, its structure is much closer to equipoise and Primobolan than that of testosterone, due to which it displays a lower risk of virilization.

To conclude, Dihydroboldenone is a strong steroid, and only experienced women who know the risks involved with its use should take it. For females, the cycle starts at a low dose of 25mg per week, and it gradually increases until it reaches a maximum dose of 75mg per week.

What are the after-effects of Dihydroboldenone?

Aromatization effects are often not experienced with DHB steroid use, either used alone or with non-aromatizing compounds. It also does not cause any noticeable estrogenic effects, like decreased sex drive, lethargy, depression, etc. Since males require estrogen to function properly, it is often recommended to couple up testosterone with DHB. The addition of testosterone is also effective in giving an androgenic effect on your cycle.

Apart from that, the side effects of Dihydroboldenone are milder than trenbolone and are much similar to those of equipoise. If you are taking DHB in moderate amounts as per prescription, the side effects can be easily managed. Blood work, full post-cycle therapy, and support supplements should always be complemented with DHB steroids.


Since Dihydroboldenone is often related to cypionate ester, its half-life is around 8 to 10 days. You need to take an injection every 4 to 6 days. After stopping taking DHB, its traces will still stay in your system for 4-5 weeks. However, it is also available in other ester and propionate forms, and the frequency of your injections and their half-life largely depends on the ester you are using.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Is DHB Steroid?

DHB steroid is actually Dihydroboldenone. It is a synthetic androstane steroid as well as a derivative of Dihydroboldenone (DHT). It is a powerful steroid and should be taken in the right dose.

Q2. What Is The Correct DHB Steroid Dose?

The correct DHB Steroid dose is nearly 300-400 mg per week for male users. Female users can also use this drug in low dosages.

Q3. Is DHB Steroid Harmful?

Long-term exposure to any form of Anabolic Steroids is harmful to health. You can take up to a certain period abiding by your physician’s dosage instructions. But prolonged use of  Dihydroboldenone may give rise to major health risks.

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Abdul Mondal

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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