
5 Consequences You Can Face when Possessing Drugs in College

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read December 4, 2018 Last Updated on: February 22nd, 2020

Possessing Drugs

In April, eight students studying at the College of William and Mary were arrested for possession of illegal substances. The group had marijuana, cocaine, LSD, amphetamines, and steroids, as well as $14,000 in cash in their possession.

While the case was extreme by most drug possession standards, these students will face the same consequences as many other college students caught in possession of drugs. Whether it is just a small amount of marijuana or a whole room of cannabis plants, it is always advisable to get legal help in the form of an experienced attorney.

A good attorney will fight your corner and help reduce and mitigate the negative consequences of a drug possession conviction. For more information on how an attorney can help your case, visit:

Here are just some of the consequences your lawyer can help reduce or avoid.

Jail Time:

Depending on the quantity of drugs in your possession, you could be looking at jail time. Even marijuana can land you in jail for a stint, and for more potent drugs like cocaine and heroin, the sentences are harsher and the jail time longer.

College Suspension:

While each school has its own drug policy, it is not uncommon for a drug possession to conviction to result in academic suspension. Many colleges have a zero-tolerance approach to drug use and merely being caught with drugs can trigger disciplinary hearings. The results of these hearings could be anything from a verbal warning to outright expulsion.

Stripped of Student Aid:

If you qualify for government student financial aid, a drug possession charge could see that financial aid revoked. For students that rely on this financial aid to get through college. It can have disastrous consequences.

It Could Impact Further Study Opportunities:

If you were caught with drugs in your possession during your undergraduate study, it may impact your ability to get on a grad school program. Grad school applications ask candidates to disclose any criminal convictions. They will also perform a background check to verify that you have a clean record.

A drug possession conviction may not be an automatic disqualifier. However, it will undoubtedly be taken into consideration. If your grad school receives hundreds or even thousands of applications, the candidate with a drug possession conviction will already have a mark against their name.

There has been progress on this in recent years. The Obama administration attempted to prevent colleges from discriminating based on previous criminal convictions. Some schools have pledged to look past convictions, but there is no guarantee this will be the case.

Delayed Graduation:

If your possession charge and the following legal battle has caused you to miss too many days of class, you could face further delays to your graduation. Some colleges will also invoke mandatory delays and won’t let you graduate until after any punitive sentences have been carried out (including probation, community service etc.).

A delay to your graduation will not just mean a delay to you beginning your future career. It will also mean paying for another college semester, which could mean more student debt and a large financial burden.

The legal process following a drug possession charge is stressful and overwhelming. At times, those charged can feel like their lives are falling apart and their future is circling the drain. This is why it is imperative that you get an attorney experienced with campus drug possession cases to help protect your future.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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