
3 Ways Workplace Accidents Can Affect Your Job Security

author-img By Mashum Mollah 4 Mins Read November 29, 2021 Last Updated on: October 21st, 2024

Workplace Accidents

Having a secure job gives an employee a sense of stability. No matter what job you have, you would likely feel assured if you perceived that you won’t lose your job anytime soon. This will create a positive work environment for you. You will likely commit more to the company if you can see yourself staying there in the future.

Nonetheless, a sudden accident may disrupt this sense of security. A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that approximately, in 2019 alone, 2.4 million workers were injured and taken to emergency wards in the United States. Accordingly, for every 10,000 full-time workers, an estimated number of 156 workers will likely be injured.

The top three causes of workplace accidents are contacted equipment, overreaction, and bodily exertion, and fall slips and trips. If you’re an employee, your health and safety are first and foremost a concern for you and your employer.

Consequences of Accidents

Consequences of Accidents

At present, occupational health and safety procedures are regularized though regulations may differ across different locations. Companies need to comply with existing laws and standards for their permission to be approved and renewed. Thus, employees have to be provided with a work culture of safety as well as the equipment necessary for protection.

However, you may have seen in the news that breaches in safety protocols may still take place due to inaccuracies in some procedures, or maybe because of an unforeseen event. It would be beneficial for you if you have foreknowledge of the consequences of common mishaps.

Hence, you may want to consider how workplace accidents can affect your job security so you can effectively prepare yourself. Here are three ways work-related accidents might jeopardize your job security:

1. Workplace Accidents Can Affect You Financially

As a result of the accident, you may lose your salary considering the accident can be deemed as an absence. Payment for retraining and rehabilitation may also be incurred as other overhead costs. Moreover, other financial losses may include your possible overtime payment, travel, and medical expenses. For the preceding cases, if you want to understand your legal protection, go to this site.

Most businesses have compensation for their workers to cover medical bills and other financial aid. Laws for such compensation do exist but the provisions may vary across different states. However, there may be common legal rights prescribed by these legislations such as:

  • You can file a claim that you have been injured
  • You have the right to medical treatment
  • You have the right to come back to your employment
  • You have the right to get a lawyer to represent you

2. Workplace Accidents Can Affect You Physically

An employee’s job performance can be compromised. Workplace accidents may damage your faculties permanently or temporarily. With the extent of the damage, this injury can cause your work functions to be affected.

If hands are impaired, you will likely handle the equipment. Frequent headaches and pain may still happen even after you recover. This can surely lower your performance. Moreover, side effects from medications may take a toll on your everyday living. Injuries may even last for months or years. Worst, permanent damage may lead to early retirement.

3. Workplace Accidents Can Affect You Psycho-Socially

When an injury happens, it will only be logical to ask why it happened in the first place. Different factors may have caused the injury. If a fellow worker has probably caused the accident, this will affect relationships within the workplace.

On the other hand, the employer may have been unwilling to pay for the compensation. This can possibly lead to conflict in the case of the employee-employer relationship. An injured employee might hesitate to return to work after relationships have been strained.

After the occupational injury, the injured party may have suffered from an inability to do their usual activities. Personal grooming, interaction with family members, or even grocery shopping may not be possible anymore. These activities have formed the day-to-day life of an individual. Sudden changes in these routines may cause depression.

Moreover, the injury itself could cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Feelings of uselessness, job-related worries, or the uncertainty about whether or not you’ll be well again may affect the psychological state of an injured employee.

Keep Safe And Be Secure

Keep Safe And Be Secure

Job security is a valuable factor for the retention of an employee. If you’re secure in your work, you need not worry and instead, you can focus on improving your performance. Even then, occupational injuries may still happen and may affect your perceived security somehow.

Probably now, you are thinking of how you will handle it if ever accidents do occur. Of course, it is preferable to prevent accidents from occurring than having to deal with the repercussions after they have occurred. It will be wise to follow basic occupational health and safety procedures as precautionary measures.

Remember, safety comes first. Your life is irreplaceable.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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