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7 Tips to Keep from Pulling Your Hair Out when Politics Come into Play

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read March 16, 2019 Last Updated on: February 22nd, 2020

How to follow Politics

Nearly 80 percent of Americans say that they follow politics either “somewhat closely” or “very closely.”

And yet, keeping up with politics can be extremely frustrating.

For many Americans, it’s something we don’t want to do, but we know we should. It’s like going to the gym or eating salad.

If you want to know how to follow politics without pulling your hair out, then we’ve got 7 tips for you. Here we go!

1. Set your Homepage to Your Favorite News Site.

You probably start off reading your emails. Then scroll down your Instagram. If you’ve still got time, you’ll finally check the news.

However, you can switch it around by setting your homepage as your favorite devops news website. You could also take the opportunity to challenge your assumptions.

If you’re a liberal, set your homepage as Fox News. While if you’re a conservative, try The New York Times.

2. Chat About Politics to Friends

You can often learn more about politics from talking with your friends than watching TV news. Remember, listen to what other people have to say.

This isn’t about convincing the other person you’re right. You want to understand what’s going on in politics.

3. Read Books About Current Affairs

You may get frustrated by how the news never goes into any detail about the different policy recommendations of representatives or candidates.

The focus is always about playing politics. You can often learn more about current affairs by reading books.

4. Join a Political Organization

Your problem could be that you’re not suited to armchair politics. You need to be out there yourself making the changes you want to see.

Do you want to support a political party? Do you want to help out in your community? Do you want to contribute to a campaign issue which is close to your heart?

If you want to do this, you need to start by signing up to a political organization.

5. Mute Your TV

Do you get exhausted by the constant fighting between political commentators?

You could enjoy the news by muting your TV. Without the screaming and shouting, you get to know about the news stories without the nonsense.

6. Catch up at the End of the Week

We live in a 24-hour news climate. But, do we really need to know about every news story as it happens?

You can save yourself time throughout the week, but simply tuning into the news at the end of the week.

7. Meditate After the News

Sometimes the news can be overwhelming for us.

If you find yourself getting angry and frustrated at the news, wait until it is over. Then, meditate or listen to calming music to relax.

Keeping up with Politics

Even though keeping up with politics is not always enjoyable. It’s a duty we all share. You just need to follow our tips about how to keep up with politics and you’ll be fine.

Do you want to learn more about politics? Check out our blog here.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at MashumMollah.com.

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