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Why Would The Data For A Search Network Campaign Show Conversions But No View-through Conversions?

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read September 8, 2021 Last Updated on: September 9th, 2021

why would the data for a search network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions?


Question: Why would the data for a search network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions?

  • A view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an image or rich media ad on the Display Network but doesn’t click and later converts on the site.
  • A view-through conversion is counted when someone clicks on an image or rich media ad on the Display Network and converts on the site.
  • A view-through conversion is counted when someone clicks on an ad in Google Search and converts on the site.
  • A view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an ad in Google Search and calls the business.

Correct Answer: A view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an image or rich media ad on the Display Network but doesn’t click, and later converts on the site.

Explanation: I know you are now aware of the correct answer to “ Why would the data for a search network campaign ” show conversions but no view-through conversions? ” But don’t you want to learn the reason behind choosing option D? It’s pretty obvious you want, otherwise, you would not have stayed with us till here.


The data for a search network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions because a view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an image or rich media ad on the Display Network but doesn’t click, and later converts on the site.

This conversion is available if you run the Display network campaign. Search ads are designed less to drive brand awareness and also to drive a quick action from the user. 

Know More About Conversion Tracking Data

Know More About Conversion Tracking Data

The column of conversions displays the number of conversions you have received, across your conversion actions. These are measured with conversion tracking in cases where you are able to observe all conversions taking place. 

On the other hand, all conversions have the same set of conversions with metrics based on your all conversions, and this includes:

  • Value per all conversions 
  • All conversion value per click
  • All conversion value per cost
  • All conversion value 
  • All conversion rate
  • Cost per all conversions.

So, if you have set conversions, you can add useful reporting columns to view how your ads lead to valuable customer actions. This is all about conversions and their related features that you should know. I think all your confusions regarding  ‘ Why would the data for a search network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions? ‘ are clear now.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. Why Would The Data For A Search Network Campaign Show Conversions But No View-through Conversions?

View-through conversions happen when someone sees a rich media ad or image on the Google Display Network but does not click. Later they convert on the site.

Q2. How Do You Calculate View Through Conversions?

You can easily track view-through conversions using cookies located on a user’s browser. Also for measuring Return On Investment (ROI) via view-through conversion tracking for the display campaigns.

Q3. Can Google Analytics track view-through conversions?

In the Google Analytics multi-channel funnel reports, you can see view through conversions via the GDN impressions reporting feature. Through this, you can assess the influence of viewed but unclicked GDN ads in driving conversions.

The Final Thoughts

A view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an image or rich media ad on the Display Network but doesn’t click, and later converts on the site is the answer to your question ‘ Why would the data for a search network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions? ’ And if you have any questions, mention them be3low in the comment section! 


  • https://quizlet.com/346789677/google-search-certification-flash-cards/
  • https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6270625?hl=en

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at MashumMollah.com.

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