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3 Ways to Boost Productivity When Using New Software

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read May 8, 2019


Are you noticing that productivity is starting to slack in the workplace? Perhaps tasks are adding up, projects are getting too complex, or maybe your employees are just getting complacent? Often, the workplace just needs a little shake-up to start getting things done again. A great way to increase productivity is by introducing new software. New programs can often make the same work simpler and provide a much-needed change to mundane workdays.

Avoid Frustration From Employees With Proper Preparation:

Change isn’t everyone’s favorite thing. In fact, some people absolutely detest it. You should take a few crucial steps to prepare for launching a new program to avoid backlash and disgruntled employees. In LinkedIn’s article about introducing new software, the writers recommend first stressing the importance of the new software, to make sure employees know their extra time and effort will be worthwhile. If employees understand not only the need for new processes but also the benefit of using new software, they will be more enthusiastic about the extra work learning to use it.

Use a Quick Start Guide to Help Simplify the Process:

The easiest way to transition employees to a new program is by making the change simple. If you use a resource such as an Agora Quick Start Guide, your employees can easily see how to set up the new program and use it, while you can focus on expanding your business. If they see that this is a process they can handle, they are more prone to embracing it. Plus, the sooner the employees effectively use your new software, the better.

Taking on the added work and costs of introducing new software might seem like an uphill battle. However, the costs will soon balance out and eventually improve your bottom line as your staff starts to complete work faster and more efficiently.

Training Is Key:


For employees to be properly prepared, education is crucial. By incorporating tips and training into your launch of a new program, you can ensure a smoother start. Begin by using the software provider’s tutorials and guides, if available. Also, enlist the help of your employees. Chances are, someone in your company is already experienced in using a similar model or will adapt to it quickly. Allow those who embrace the training early to get others on board. Their advice will be helpful and their attitude and excitement will be crucial. If all else fails, pay for training. It’s imperative that employees can use the new software effectively for it to help increase revenue.

Ready to start seeing a boost in productivity at work? Taking on new software can help. The best way to make sure the change is beneficial is by making it a smooth and simple transition. Address the benefit of the change clearly, utilize any helpful guides, and offer effective training to make sure the change goes as smoothly as possible. Then, sit back and reap the rewards of a more productive staff and workplace.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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