Have you heard about the viral phenomenon that’s making rounds online called the shopping cart theory? It’s a meme that started making rounds in 2020, suggesting that your shopping cart can be used to judge you.
Well, I am judging you right now, just like we judge famous celebrities! Do you take your shopping cart while carrying your stuff and then you dump it on the curb? Oh please, I am not buying any of those excuses. You are a morally corrupt individual and you should be ashamed of yourself!
Okay fine! Let’s talk about why I judge you just by what you do with your shopping cart. You might want to read this article as I will describe the shopping cart theory so that you remember the next time you say, “Who cares!”
Knowing Shopping Cart Theory…
The shopping cart theory decides your moral character based on whether you return your cart after shopping or simply dump it wherever. So basically, people judge you based on your ability to govern yourself by keeping the shopping cart in its designated place!
I am guilty of doing things appropriately and yes, at times I lose significant time doing things that might seem useless for others. The biggest green flag today is putting the shopping cart back in its designated area or returning it to the workers.
In an era in which people do not have the time to stand at the side of the road to stare at the sky, taking time to return the shopping cart is huge. I trust people who keep things in their rightful place and the shopping cart theory is my way of judging people.
You know humans are complex beings who behave differently from each other. Hence, when a theory like this arises, it creates a debate, with some supporting it. While others speak against it! Sounds very similar to gossip about celebrity weight loss huh? Let’s dive deeper into why the a debate.
Shopping Cart Theory: Viral Meme Or Scale Of Judgement!
The shopping cart theory is based on a simple task that anyone can easily do, or can they? As human beings, we tend to measure ourselves in actions and reactions. So, when we find a way to measure our morality, reflect our goodness, gauge our kindness, and estimate our inner beauty, we jump into it.
Is this because we are always looking for ways to show our superiority over other beings or is it our way of finding like-minded people? Compassion and empathy or often misinterpreted as strutting, but are we? Aren’t we all a little hungry for some kindness and warmth?
Did you know the origin of the theory? Apparently, the 2020 meme originated from a text that said, “There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart!”
In this world of social media, nothing significant is ever under wraps for long and the same happened with this text…
Origin Of Shopping Cart Theory
It inspired the shopping cart theory highlighting morals’ significance and how we can see the good in people. Yes, I agree that it can be a little harsh when I say you lack morals if you leave your cart behind, but it won’t be if you consider the hard-working staff!
If you ask me, it is nothing but basic humanity and showing empathy! Society has its perception of ethics and morality, but how often are people following what they preach? Even if you don’t follow societal norms, you will still try to identify yourself as a good person.
In my opinion, this shopping cart theory became viral because people wanted to measure people’s moral compass. In a time when people are lacking in moral and social skills, the shopping cart theory might act as an eye-opener!
Several people pretend to be morally sane at charity events but when walking on the road, do they pick up a candy wrapper dropped by someone else? Similarly, expecting the shopping store staff to pick up or collect the shopping cart after them says much about the person.
Furthermore, when you go for a picnic in the park and clean up after you are done without someone forcing you, it shows your higher morality. As the world moves towards capitalism, you will find that people are losing their morality to earn money.
Shopping Cart Theory Psychology
The psychology behind shopping cart theory is not simple; it judges whether you are a morally sound person based on one action. Additionally, it shows whether you are empathetic towards staff members and other people in and around the place.
Your act of keeping the shopping cart in its right place or abandoning it after you are done shopping speaks volumes. The simple task of returning a cart isn’t legal or mandatory. However, it’s the right thing to do.
Additionally, you are not rewarded for returning a shopping cart to its place. This action shows your thought process because you might act similarly in other situations. As a person, you are naturally helpful, kind, and considerate towards others. It reflects your personality and how you manage a situation.
For example, you might go to a church and find someone’s purse there. You can keep that purse with you and steal the items. However, if you are a good person, you will find ways to return the purse to its owner without anyone forcing you.
Simultaneously, some might debate this psychology especially if they are not into viral memes and online communities. These communities might help you to learn how to earn money online without investment!
Yet, the theory throws light on human nature and how a little act of putting the shopping cart back can convey a great deal about you. Why do you think crimes have increased tenfold? These little moral considerations are slowly becoming extinct, leaving behind a rough and selfish world.
Debate Against Shopping Cart Theory
One significant limitation of the shopping cart theory is discrimination against non-able-bodies individuals. If a person is disabled, they might be unable to return the cart, which doesn’t reduce their morality.
Similarly, people carrying babies and children in tow might not be able to return the cart because they need to provide constant supervision. Carrying a shopping cart along with managing children alone can be quite hectic.
Additionally, you might abandon the shopping cart during crisis and emergencies, which cannot be used against you. So, instances like these can be considered exceptions especially when understanding others’ struggles and limitations.
Doing The Right Thing!
Sometimes, a person might be an upright citizen in society and still not put back the shopping cart! What does that tell you? A person can follow society’s norms, but it doesn’t guarantee their moral character.
The shopping cart theory is like a litmus test that tells you who is a good person. A person might walk around in their society as a rule-following citizen but if they fail in the shopping cart theory, I will have serious trust issues. The increase in crime rates results from our overall depreciation as a society!
So, if you feel morally correct based on what society decides, you can cry in the corner! You should be proud of yourself only when you feel good about helping others. Stop showing off to society, instead work on yourself and try to make the world a better place with your actions!
Putting a shopping cart back or returning it to the workers goes a long way, trust me! But yes, there are situations where your morality will not be on the line if you dump the cart…want to know about those instances?
For example, if you encounter a situation where you are running late from picking up your child from school! Abandon the cart, it’s an order! Or you got a call from your mother who feels sick, and you hurry home dumping the shopping cart on the pavement!
Now, you abandon the cart but don’t feel guilty because you were needed somewhere else. Listening to your heart will help you manage your feelings, especially when it is related to psychology! However, you will feel the dilemma when judging morality based on what people think about you!
How Do People Act?
Before the shopping cart theory, there was a psychological debate online, while A 2008 research shows that people act based on two things. Firstly, you act based on what you perceive might be the right action.
Secondly, you can mimic what others are doing around you, therefore reading the room.
To do this study, scientists placed flyers on cars in front of a supermarket parking lot and observed how people would act. Sure enough, a correlation was found between shopping carts and the right course of action.
When the parking lot was neatly arranged, 30% of people threw flyers on the ground. However, when the situation was chaotic, there was double the garbage on the ground.
This proves that people act based on their surroundings, therefore making you a group thinker. If you want to make a difference, you must do what you feel is right!
Are You Ready To Return The Shopping Cart?
That’s what shopping cart theory tells you about complex human psychology. You might not agree with this theory or judge people based on it! Or maybe you are quick to judge, and this meme helps you do just that!
The shopping cart theory is an internet meme trend that started in 2020. In social media, people love following trends; at times, it becomes viral as people relate to it while at other times, they move on to the next trend!
Write to us in the comments about what you think the meme means and how it impacts our perception…
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