
What Second Class Car Insurance Covers In Thailand

author-img By Mashum Mollah 3 Mins Read August 26, 2021 Last Updated on: January 2nd, 2025

Second Class Car Insurance

If you spend enough time driving in Thailand, the chances are you are going to have a vehicle accident at some point. Thailand arguably ranks second in the highest number of fatalities caused by road traffic accidents worldwide per capita. As such, if you spend enough time on the roads in the country, at some point, you will be involved in an accident, whether it is your fault or not.

With the high chance of being involved in an accident, it only makes sense to get yourself car insurance. If you decide to take out second-class car insurance for your vehicle, here is what you can expect it to cover if you need to make a claim.

Damage To Your Vehicle

Damage To Your Vehicle

If you have an accident in your vehicle, your Second Class Car Insurance policy (or ประกันชั้น2 in Thai) will cover you for this and pay for your car to be repaired. I will also pay for third-party vehicles and property to be repaired or replaced up to a specific value. You will need to check your insurance policy to find the exact value of coverage it offers. Your policy will cover you, and you can claim whether the fault is yours or not, and it will also cover you for other things.

Miscellaneous Damage

You can enjoy cover for other situations you may find yourself in when driving in Thailand. For example, your insurance policy will cover you if your windscreen breaks or other windows in your vehicle, and it can also cover minor damage. If you are parked in a shopping mall and come back to dents or scratches on your paintwork, you can claim on your insurance and have this repaired, although it will affect your no claims discount.

Medical Bills & Death

medical attention

If you are involved in an accident, and third parties require medical attention or die because of it, your insurance policy will also offer you cover. Each insurance policy is different, but they are all similar and will cover medical expenses up to a specific value. You will need to check your policy to see the level of cover for this that you have with your policy. It will also offer family members a set amount of money if the third party dies in the accident.

Repairing Your Vehicle

A significant difference between first and second-class insurance for vehicles in Thailand is when it comes to repairing your vehicle. With first-class insurance, when your vehicle requires repairs, the insurance company will send it to an official garage to make the repairs, usually, a garage band that matches the car’s make. However, with second-class insurance, the insurance company will send it to an independent garage to be repaired, often saving them money.

What Is Not Included

Some things are not included with this type of policy. You will often not enjoy free towing of your vehicle to the garage for repairs, and legal costs are not included as well. You may also find if you have an accident and your car will be in the garage for a while, it will not cover the cost of a hire car. However, lower coverage insurance is better than no insurance.

If you are driving in Thailand, you can never be too careful. Even if you abide by the rules, you might encounter those who do not. Ensure you get protected; select adequate car insurance.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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