In the movie franchise Shaft, Richard Roundtree, the actor who created quite a stir with his signature role, passed away on 24 October afternoon! He had pancreatic cancer, but the suffering period was quite brief!
He was with his family during his last moments and passed away at the age of 81. His career has expanded for over five decades, which includes some of the best movies of all time. He appeared in the film As the World Turns in a Blaxploitation role, which became quite popular!
The movie was released in 1956, and he appeared in the early phases of the season! In season 2, he appeared as the main cast member on the OWN series Cherish the Day by Ava DuVernay. The role that brought him into the limelight was that of Detective John Shaft!
The character in the action thriller movie 1971 had further sequels called Shaft’s Big Score and Shaft in Africa, released in 1972 and 1973, respectively! There was also a Shaft TV series, which was released in 1973.
Due to this character, the actor was nominated for the award of a New Star at the Golden Globe! Roundtree became popular due to his ethnicity, as he became the first Black action hero. He symbolizes the cultural hero and brings Black power to the big screen.
The actor also reprised his role in the movie Shaft, directed by John Singleton in 2000, which also stars Samuel L. Jackson! He also came back for the movie Tim Story, which was released in 2019. Everyone appreciated Richard Roundtree as an actor and brought a lot to the table.
He has been an inspiration to a long generation of filmmakers! Many say Quentin Tarantino was inspired by blaxploitation, and he loved the concept so much that he integrated perception into many of his movies. According to the New York Times, Shaft has been named one of the best movies made!
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