
The Wind of Freedom: 8 Reasons to Become a Truck Driver

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read April 4, 2019 Last Updated on: February 11th, 2020

Become a Truck Driver

Become a truck driver might not, at first, sound like the dream job you’ve always wanted, but there are plenty of reasons why more and more people are making their way into this profession.

From the seemingly endless list of benefits, the job provides or allowing you complete freedom and the chance to travel the world, or at least your own country. If you’re on the fence and not sure whether truck driving is the job for you, here are the only eight reasons you’ll ever need to read.

Here are 8 Reasons to Become a Truck Driver:

1. High Job Security:

The world relies on truck drivers. From delivering stock and commercial goods from manufacturers and stores, the world would not be where it is today without the presence of truck drivers. With this in mind, they’re not going away anywhere soon, so job security is almost guaranteed!

2. Good Income Range:

Due to the nature of truck driving, there’s plenty of money to be made, lots of work, and lots of pay rise opportunities. Averages show you can easily earn between $45K and $55 in your first year.

3. Endless Job Opportunities:

Driving trucks don’t just mean driving a trailer. The more experienced you get; the more opportunities will become available to you; especially with training. From hauling full-scaled mobile homes to airplanes, there’s plenty of exciting opportunities to be had.

4. Not Physically Demanding:

If you suffer from a physical condition, perhaps bad back or achy joints, you may not find it easy to complete physically challenging tasks. However, driving a truck is not that, making it ideal for individuals in this category.

5. Freedom of Being Out on the Road:

There’s nothing like being out on the open road with the world around you, people going about their day, and seeing the wonders of the planet. Hey, it definitely beats being in an office.

6. Lots of Job Variety:

As we mentioned above, there are plenty of job opportunities and lots of variety when it comes to truck driving, so much so that you can be sure you won’t get bored. You could be driving around your local town one day and then driving across the country the next.

You could even purchase commercial trucks yourself and start your own business is you feel that way inclined.

7. If You Like Trucks:

There’s something liberating about driving trucks. If, as a kid, you were the type of person to sit in the sand playing with your toy trucks and loved to watch them driving past from the backseat of your car, driving one yourself could be a chance to live your dream.

8. Start Work Quickly:

Usually, truck driver training doesn’t take too long, and you can be started, finished and qualified in under ten weeks. Of course, this depends on the training you go for and the jobs you want, but for basic training to get going, you’ll be up in no time at all.


As you can see, there are so many fantastic reasons to become a truck driver, and the list doesn’t stop here. If you’re looking for a liberating job that allows you to see the world, this could be ideal for you.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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