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The Knowledge to Prevail: 5 Steps to Winning Your Truck Accident Case

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read December 14, 2018

Truck Accident

If you or one of your loved ones is unlucky enough to be involved in a truck accident, you have a right to be compensated. In these sad times, it’s tough to think logically and make the right decisions, covering all of your bases as you move forward. Instead, people often panic and forget what they should be doing. With the rate of truck crashes steadily increasing, it’s important to know what to do – and to help you with that we’ve put together a 5 point guide to give you the best shot at winning your case.

1. Seek Immediate Medical Treatment:

Get medical treatment as soon as possible. Some injuries can be hard to spot or diagnose, especially while you’re under the influence of adrenaline from the accident. Getting to a hospital gives you time to calm and injuries can become more apparent. Likewise, if you go straight from the scene there will be a lot less dispute over whether the injury was genuine and from the accident or not. Finally, the sooner you get treated, the quicker and better your recovery should be.

2. Gather as Much Evidence as Possible:

Do whatever you can to gather evidence. Getting details for the truck, driver and their insurance is obvious. After this document any witness’ details and a brief outline of their statement, complete with a signature if possible – or video what they say. Likewise, a video and multiple pictures of the accident scene and any important details can be extremely helpful. Take note of any cameras which may have witnessed the accident too, they could be invaluable in proving your point in court.

3. Do Not Communicate With Insurers Alone:

The entire reason behind hiring semi truck accident lawyers is to use their expertise on the topic to your advantage. This goes out of the window if you’re communicating with insurers alone, particularly the other sides insurance. These insurers can easily dupe you into saying something you consider harmless, only to turn around and use it as evidence against you in court. Avoid the situation altogether and protect yourself by using a good attorney at all times. Also keep your attorney informed about any other developments relevant to the case

4. Be Aware of the Statute of Limitations:

Different states have different statutes of limitations for accident cases. Be aware what the length is in your location and be sure to file well in advance of this date. The last thing you want is to end up with no compensation because the limitation date passed!

5. Document Everything!

Any correspondence with insurers, medical personnel or people involved in the accident should be documented. Also keep copies of documents which relate to your time off work, recovery process, bills and any other relevant factors. This could also include a diary detailing how you have been affected by the accident day to day, if mental trauma is a factor, or receipts for childcare if it’s affected your caregiving capability.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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