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Kinds of Boiler Tube Cleaning Methods

author-img By Mashum Mollah 4 Mins Read September 13, 2019 Last Updated on: November 6th, 2024

Kinds of Boiler Tube Cleaning Methods

Most boilers including the water types and the fire types need constant maintenance. Boilers are used by industrial plants, corporations, or ships to heat fluid or water to a certain temperature to produce steam. The steam can generate power to the entire ship or building. Some companies use the steam from boilers for sanitation, cooking, and heating. The entire process takes hours and it requires that the boilers should be at their optimum performance most of the time.

People who know about tubes from boilers know that prolonged use produces deposits and soot that can reduce their efficiency. The pipes can have lots of sediments which can inhibit the way of the water. When the water is not properly heated or not enough steam is produced, there will be an increase in the use of energy and less efficiency is achieved. Additionally, fuel consumption can soar because the entire process does not reach the required temperature needed to produce steam from the water. Failure of the entire system can reduce performance.

Boiler Cleaning is Important

The importance of boiler cleaning such as the things that you can see on websites such as putzmaus-america.com can’t be emphasized enough. Regular maintenance and cleaning will make the boiler run efficiently and the less fuel is needed. The most common way people resort to is to use chemicals when it comes to cleaning. However, these solutions might not be effective enough. You still need to brush the inside of the pipes thoroughly. But if you still opt to get chemical cleaning, here are things that you should know about it.

Chemical Cleaning

  • If there are damages caused by hydrogen, you need to get the right solution to get rid of the deposits inside the pipes. The hydrogen corrosion requires specialized treatment so that the pipes won’t get additional damages in the long run.
  • If there are events when contamination can’t be avoided, most companies use chemical treatments to remove the contaminants in the pipes.
  • If there’s more than 15% of the boiler is going to be replaced permanently, cleaning and maintenance from chemicals are required to have a consistent amount of oxide layer.
  • There is the implementation that you should if you are modifying the system of the boiler. Some of the implementations can be used when you are changing your fuel’s type or modifying the burner. Chemical cleaning is very important to retain the optimal workings of your boiler.

Other Cleaning Methods

There are cleaning systems that use steel brushes that automatically clean the pipes. The operation is easy and safe where the cleaners can stand at a distance while the brush does all the work. You can get a tube cleaning system that will extend the life of your boiler system and where the brushes are made from stainless steel. You can also save on repair costs because cleaning with automated steel brushes means that your pipes are safe.

Most of the people only know cleaning with chemicals to remove ashes, slags, and mineral deposits. The chemicals may be effective, but there are situations where you have to change your methods. Here are others that you should try.

Acoustic Cleaning

This is where you use sound to make vibrations throughout the pipe. Most people find that the vibrations can shake off the ash deposits of many tubes. The horns or acoustic tools are installed after the boiler has been set up. This is an effective way of removing dry particles especially if you are using superheaters. Many prefer the sound and vibrations because the operation is easy and safe. Read more about acoustic cleaning.

Lances of Water

These are popular methods that use waters that are pressurized at very high temperatures. This method effectively removes the slags inside the pipes. When there are places that acoustics can’t reach, the water lancing can do an effective job of removing particles instead. An apparatus that involves a powered hydro blast that cleans the slags out of the tube.

Most people use water lance while the boiler system is operational, but this can be dangerous. But some people use online cleaning or using automated cleaners using cameras and computers to do the process. Only highly experienced people do this method. This also depends on the type of system being cleaned.

Soot Blowers

If water lances and acoustics won’t be able to do the cleaning effectively, another option is to use soot blowers. The blowers use steam that is compressed at high pressure to prevent slag buildup. There fixed rotating blowers and air heaters that you can choose from.

Soot blowers remove hotspots that cause fires when there are extreme buildups of slag. Most use flue gases to blow out the removed soot inside the pipes. Most of them are pre-installed or came with a manufacturer’s instruction.

The Bottom Line

Bottom Line

Whatever the cleaning method that you decide to use, make sure that it is effective and can lengthen the life of your boiler system. If you are using chemicals, they should be rapid and efficient. The deposits of soot should be removed, and it should encompass all the areas of the pipes. There are other effective cleaning methods that you can incorporate if the above methods are not enough. Don’t wait too long before doing the necessary maintenance as more soot and other mineral deposits can be accumulated inside the pipe by that time. Maintenance is cheaper compared to replacement.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at MashumMollah.com.

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