
Types of Home Health Care Services

author-img By Sumona 5 Mins Read April 2, 2022

Health Care

Health Care services include a set of measures to help people in need to maintain a satisfactory state of health or a comfortable standard of living. These services include medication, intensive care, surgery, patient rehabilitation, and palliative care.

Health care services are provided in specialized medical organizations, as well as home care services, which involve hard work with a sick person in his usual comfortable domestic conditions.

Basic Requirements for a Home Health Care Provider

There are many important requirements for officially operating organizations providing care to needy patients at home:

  • Availability of a license issued by state authorities.
  • The presence in the company’s staff of general specialists, narrowly focused doctors, as well as auxiliary staff.
  • Every company that helps patients at home should have the necessary medicines, equipment, and other basic means to provide quality service.
  • The organization must provide services 24/7, which reduces many risks for the patient, in case he needs emergency care.
  • The home healthcare service should include not only treatment, but also care for the sick, providing them with food and everything necessary for a comfortable life, and round-the-clock supervision.
  • The company should have specialists who provide psychological support to patients who are in the last stages of life or who experience stress during long-term rehabilitation.
  • Doctors are obliged to monitor the general condition of the patient to diagnose hidden pathologies, which implies the constant interaction of doctors of different profiles.

Our company All American Home Care offers each patient a full range of services to support a comfortable life for patients in their usual environment. We meet all the requirements listed above, and each of our specialists constantly takes advanced training courses, which significantly distinguishes us in the market for these services.

Main areas of home care services

Main areas of home care services

Home care services provided by our company include the following set of services for the comfort and maintenance of a normal standard of living for each of our customers:

  • A complete replacement for hospitalization for the elderly or children suffering from various pathologies. We provide a full range of services, and nurseries, the patient is constantly visited by general specialists, as well as other categories of physicians who monitor the human condition, which excludes the development of complications.
  • Periodic visits by social workers. The scope of these services includes a medical examination of a person at home, a referral for outpatient tests, and planned hospitalization. Elderly people who have gradually lost the ability to serve themselves independently, and also suffer from many age-related diseases, receive the necessary help and can enjoy a full life.
  • Palliative care and hospice services at home. Many relatives are familiar with the feeling when a loved one gradually fades before their eyes due to advanced age, or as a result of the development of terminal diseases. In such situations, not everyone can find the strength to provide constant care for a person at the final stage of the life cycle. Home health care professionals will help ease the suffering of patients and provide comprehensive support to relatives.
  • It often happens when people who are rehabilitated after a long illness, are in remission. experience stress due to their prolonged immobility and the inability to serve themselves independently. Our company is ready to provide qualified psychological assistance to such people, as well as to return to them the joy and meaning of life.
  • Delivering necessary food and medicines to the home, performing simple errands for changing clothes, cleaning the house, as well as feeding sick people, keeping their bodies clean, and ensuring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

All specialists of our clinic who work with patients at home draw up a plan for caring for a person, and, in case of any suspicion of a worsening of the course of the disease or an unsatisfactory state of health, they immediately respond with the provision of emergency medical care. If necessary, the patient is transported to a hospital for medical care, and after the rehabilitation period, we organize periodic visits of our specialists – an asset on duty.

When are home care services recommended?

Many people believe that the most effective treatment and observation of even the most hopeless patients are carried out only in a hospital setting. However, this is not the case, and in many cases, qualified medical professionals most recommend home care services, in particular:

  • The patient has already received the necessary assistance, through surgery or intensive care, after which remission is required on drug treatment, which can occur in more familiar conditions for a person.
  • According to the results of the examination, the elderly person does not show any serious pathologies, but at the same time, constant medical supervision is required.
  • A person, is in the hospital for a long time, experiences deep stress, which leads to his depression and significantly affects his quality of life.
  • The patient is recognized as hopeless due to the terminal stage of cancer, due to a large number of irreversible pathologies, which is why doctors are trying to alleviate his suffering and transfer him to round-the-clock care in the most comfortable conditions.
  • The patient expresses an independent desire for home treatment if the doctors do not object to such assistance, since this does not affect the state of his health and does not pose any risks to life.

When transferring a patient from a hospital, or from outpatient treatment to home care, doctors draw up appropriate documents, according to which they assume responsibility for providing the necessary assistance and constant monitoring of the person’s condition, up to complete remission of the disease, or until the patient recovers.

Benefits of home care services

Benefits of home care services

Home care services are in great demand not only in the USA but in every developed country in the world, thanks to a large number of advantages:

  • Each patient receives personal attention, due to which even a slight change in well-being will not go unnoticed.
  • A person does not occupy a bed in the hospital, which significantly reduces the cost of his rehabilitation or treatment.
  • The presence of a nursery next to a person in need of care frees relatives from this hard work.
  • With constant monitoring of health and the provision of psychological assistance in comfortable conditions, a person quickly recovers.
  • Older people are less prone to stress, which is why they maintain mental clarity for a long time.
  • Hopelessly ill people spend their last days in the circle of a loving family, and not in the atmosphere of a hospital ward.

Patronage over people at home is carried out only by qualified specialists, and the emotional background of the patient improves significantly against the backdrop of a homely atmosphere. According to statistics, patients who undergo a course of rehabilitation at home always recover much faster than those people who are treated in a hospital.

What is the responsibility of home care services?

The list of duties of home care services specialists is determined individually, depending on the patient’s condition, age, as well as on the identified pathology, and intensive treatment. The work plan with the patient is discussed at the consultation of the attending physicians and includes the following actions:

  • Maintaining the patient in a satisfactory condition.
  • Constant turning of an elderly person, to avoid the formation of bedsores.
  • Feeding, in strict accordance with the daily routine.
  • In remission – gymnastics, strictly within the permissible load, which is determined by the attending physician.
  • Tracking the state of the musculoskeletal system and the condition of the patient’s muscles.
  • Washing and changing clothes of a person who cannot perform these procedures on his own.
  • Constant interaction with the medical staff of clinics, providing information to the attending physicians about the slightest change in the patient’s condition.
  • Providing comprehensive moral support to a person, calming, raising the mood, helping in social adaptation.
  • In the presence of confessions from the attending physician – walks with a sick person in a wheelchair in the fresh air under constant supervision.
  • Fulfillment of some requests of the patient, if their content does not contradict the instructions.

All American Home Care specialists will help each patient, regardless of his age or the severity of the disease. With our patronage, each person receives the maximum range of services that significantly improve the quality of his life, and improve his health.

With us, a person will be under round-the-clock control, and qualified medical personnel will provide both planned and emergency assistance in the event of a deterioration in health. Hundreds of people all over America are already convinced of our reliability and efficiency, they recommend our service to their relatives, friends, and acquaintances.

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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions at SmartBusinessDaily

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