
Great Gift Ideas For 13 Year Old Girls

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read June 17, 2020

Gift Ideas For 13 Year Old Girls

Teenagers can be notoriously difficult to shop for. You want to give them something cool but also age-appropriate without being a kid’s present. It’s understandable to struggle with what to get a girl for her 13th birthday. Well, here are some ideas sure to get a smile out of her.

Here are Great Gift Ideas For 13 Year Old Girls:

1. Books


There are a number of teenagers who enjoy reading for fun, believe it or not. If the teenager in your life is a bit of a book worm, get her the latest books in her favorite genre. Talk to her or her parents to learn if she likes fantasy, adventure, romance, young adult, or horror.

2. Night Out

Night Out

Teenage girls like to spend time with friends. However, if this girl is like most teenagers, there’s never anything to do. Help give the young lady and her friends something to do by getting her tickets to a movie or concert. Naturally, you’ll need to get a couple of tickets so that she can bring people with her. You may consider offering to chaperone on the night of the event. If you know what she likes, buy tickets to a specific show. Otherwise, leave it up to her to pick. Remember that she’s not a little girl anymore, so she may be interested in more adult bands and movies already. You should let her make her choices for herself.

3. Electronics

Teenagers today are all about their different gadgets. Help the teenage girl in your life stay up to date by getting her the newest cool item. There are a number of things to choose from, including headphones, smartwatches, tablets, video games, laptops, and even smart journals. Ask her parents about what items she already has and which ones she wants to help you get her the best thing. Make sure you get an item that keeps up with modern technology so that she isn’t already outdated.

4. Makeup


Now that this young lady is a teenager, she’s going to be more interested in things like hair and makeup. Help them get started with a nice makeup kit. Don’t get something cheap and childish. Get her something substantial. You should also look for a kit with a wide variety of different items and colors. You want to give her the opportunity to experiment and express herself. If you wear makeup, don’t forget to include some pointers from your own experience to help avoid awkward and unfortunate makeup choices.

5. Cash/Gift Card

Gift Card

There’s one present that never goes out of style- money. Give the young lady in your life cash or a gift card to a store you know she likes. This will give her the opportunity to go shopping with her friends and pick out what she truly wants.

A girl’s 13th birthday is a milestone. She’s a teenager now! Welcome her to this next stage of life by getting her something she’ll really like by trying one of these options. If you still aren’t sure what to get her, just ask.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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