Home Improvement

The Convenience of Having a Whirlpool Bath

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read April 11, 2020

Whirlpool Bath

A whirlpool bath is not a cheap purchase. Fortunately, it comes with a wide array of benefits to offset its price tag. If you are yet to buy a whirlpool bath, know that you can make good use of it. If you already have a tub and you haven’t been using it enough, you might want to think twice. There are plenty of easy ways to get your return of investment for having made a delightful purchase.

Whirlpool Bath

Wake up without coffee

Imagine the sensation after jumping into an ice-cold river in the summer, swimming around for a little bit. Imagine going out of the water slightly after, how does it feel on your fingertips? A freezing cold bath can undoubtedly replace your morning coffee. So, if you’re trying to reduce your caffeine intake for health reasons, or simply because coffee does not do the trick anymore, cold whirlpool baths are your new Plan A.

Sounder slumber

If a cold bath is what good mornings are made of, a relaxing warm bath is a recipe for a good night’s sleep. Soaking in your warm bath promotes mindfulness, a state of focusing at present. Focusing on how the warm swirling water is hugging you in the right places is hard to not appreciate. As a result of enjoying simple things, you can put your mind at rest. The state of tranquillity is sleep-friendly. To add an even better texture to your warm bath, you can use your favourite bath bomb. Enjoy an aroma of lavender as you drink a cuppa chamomile tea for the ultimate experience.

Improve your breathing

Warm baths can help regulate your breathing. If you’re experiencing dry or congested sinuses, you can add certain essential oils to your warm bath. Some drops of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils and the steam from your bath can alleviate your breathing difficulty. Soaking in the same warm water with droplets of essential oils will also loosen tense muscles, giving you instant relief. For serious medical concerns, it is always a great idea to consult your doctor.

Cold therapy

Another reason to love cold baths is its ability to help the body recover quickly after an intense workout. Strength coaches of professional athletes reveal that soaking in a tub full of ice makes a difference in the body’s recovery. It speeds up the repair process, helping the body recuperate for another intense training session.

At home, you can fill your tub with three bags of ice. Fill the tub in with cold water, just enough to reach your torso. Slowly increase the amount of water per session, up to your neck at the maximum. Soak in the ice-filled cold bath for 10 minutes. Gradually increase your soak time in future sessions until you get comfortable with not over 20 minutes.

Purchasing a whirlpool bath is akin to investing in your wellness. There are many ways to stay emotionally, physically, and mentally well. Having a whirlpool bath at home is an excellent way to make sure the whole family is covered.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at MashumMollah.com.

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