
Common CPA Exam Mistakes

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read April 26, 2019 Last Updated on: July 29th, 2023

CPA Exam

You have finally made it sign up for the CPA exam and you are all excited because the dream of becoming a certified accountant is now real. As all this is happening around you, the reality of the nature of the task ahead of you starts to become real. It is a fact that taking the CPA exam is not like taking any other examination. It’s a notoriously challenging and complicated test. The heart of the matter is that many students fail this exam, and the sad truth is most of them fail because of simple mistakes that one can avoid with having the right information.

Let’s have a look at some of the strategies that you need to apply in order to avoid these common mistakes associated with CPA exams.

Failure to develop a CPA Exam game plan:

Studies reveal that students who have a clear game plan increase their likelihood of realizing their academic goals. Clear examination plans draw the line between a student who will pass and one who will not. Having a clear plan of action is always a plus. In this case, a clear game plan should include the number of papers you are sitting for, contacts, and a scheduled meeting with a CPA tutor who can help you create a general schedule of daily goals and tasks in addition to helping you study. This will give you the right trajectory to know what needs to be done.

Failure to focus on details:

CPA exams are very detailed. These details range from the preparation stage to the examination timetable. Whatever your stage is, never ignore any details as you prepare for this exam. There is a common saying that the devil is always in the details, and the same goes for your CPA prep. Some of the mistakes that make students fail include a late arrival, failure to confirm your NTS, and poor coordination with your CPA tutor. The tutors have been in this for some time, as such, they have a wealth of experience that will enable you to achieve your goals. So, take the information they share seriously.

Failure to manage time:

Managing time does not just entail the process of preparing for the exam. It goes all the way into the examination room. Some students prepare well but forget to practice on how it’s going to go down in the examination room. The best way to prepare for a CPA exam is to monitor how you perform on practice tests. Since your examination time is limited, your CPA tutor can help you to work through the exam schedule for optimal performance.

Failure to avoid distractions:

We cannot go without mentioning that one of the common mistakes when taking the CPA exam is distractions. Probably you are engrossed in other things to the extent that you cannot manage to prepare adequately, or you are not committed to the task at hand. Either way, it is important to note potential distractions and develop a plan that will help you make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.

To pass the CPA preparation is critical. More importantly, this depends on the strategy you create to achieve your objective. However, with dedicated studying and preparation, you are sure to succeed.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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