If you are thinking about heading to college studies, you probably already did the math. Securing finances for studying isn’t something that you want to do as it frequently turns out that the studies are an expensive investment.
Fortunately, there is an alternative that can be cheaper or even entirely free. It sounds hard to believe, but studying abroad can decrease your costs even if you do not get a scholarship. Let’s take a look at some countries where the higher education system allows you to study for free.
1. Germany:
If you are planning to study outside of the United States, your primary destination should be Europe as it offers several potential countries with a reliable education system. You will find many studies comparing studying in Germany with the US education system. The main reason why you should consider choosing Germany is that they do not ask undergraduates to pay a tuition fee. The studies are not completely free as you should pay from €100 to €350 (up to $400) for administration charges. However, the deal still sounds incredibly affordable.
Germany is a big country, and you can choose between large cities like Berlin or Munich where you have plenty of things to see and experience, and small towns where you can expect a quiet way of life. If you are looking to decrease the costs further, we would suggest going with the latter option.
2. Scandinavia:
Scandinavia is not a country, but a region that offers several options for studying. Here is the list of countries and their specifics:
- Norway– they have plenty of public universities to choose from, and the only downside is that most programs are only taught in Norwegian. The universities will ask for proof that you are fluent in writing and speaking their language.
- Finland – an excellent option for Ph.D. and other advanced study programs, which are completely funded and offer you an option to earn a salary while working on getting your degree.
- Sweden – it is a beautiful country where you can expect a bit higher cost of living. They offer free education, but only if you are a student coming from the European Union.
- Iceland – this Nordic country also offers free education, but the downside is that they only have four public universities. If you get admitted, you can expect dazzling landscapes and a truly breathtaking country.
You can find many articles online that will help you in choosing your destination where to study in Scandinavia.
3. Brazil:
We are not moving outside Europe and heading to South America. You probably heard about Brazil and the Famous carnival, as well as the Copacabana beach and numerous opportunities, to enjoy your life. The truth is that Brazil is also attractive for those who are looking for affordable study destinations. The tuition at public universities is free for everyone regardless of their country of arrival. However, you will have to compete against domestic students and score better results on a test. You will also have to learn Portuguese as that is the language spoken in Brazil.
4. India:
We do have to be honest and say you would have to choose carefully if you are looking for a prestigious university that secures the education level that can match the Western countries. Students from all over the world are welcome, but studying isn’t completely cheap, and private universities can even be relatively expensive. What makes India appealing is the cost of living in this country. The statistics indicate that rental prices are four times cheaper than in the UK, and even consumer costs are double more affordable. If you keep that in mind, the fact you are paying tuition won’t matter that much.
5. Spain:
The last one on our list is the beautiful country of Spain. A Mediterranean country located in Southern Europe is tempting if you want to go on a vacation, but it is also attractive for students. Public universities are quite affordable even for international students. You will have to pay based on credits that you earn based on the education system in Spain, but it should still be quite affordable. In return, you will get amazing cities filled with historic landmarks and plenty of things to do. If you choose a town near a sea, you will also get to enjoy sunbathing throughout the year.
Now that you have some potential destinations in mind, you can go ahead and choose where to study for free. Keep in mind your budget, but also your preferences. Try to analyze which country offers the best programs for your field of study, and assess whether you find living there attractive. That approach will help you to choose the ideal country for your studies. And remember – whatever university you join, there will be plenty of different tasks waiting for you. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, DoMyPapers.com offers professional writing services that you may find helpful for essays, thesis, and other academic assignments.
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