Purchasing a truck is a huge undertaking; it costs you lots of money which you need to recoup in time. The process is a bit straightforward if you drive a brand new piece of equipment from the dealer – if only the finances favored you. Well, used trucks for sale are also available but you need to do quite a bit of groundwork to select the right one. If you are not experienced in these types of inspections, it is advisable to work with someone who is. This process is quite tedious and involved so it is important to create enough time for it.
Do you require a strategy in buying a used truck?
The fact is that searching is a lot of work and there are too many offers out there which you will not be able to go through. Buying a truck requires a systematic approach which can be quite elaborate. Before you set out on the search, have a few points to use as your checklist. Here are two major items you can use in your checklist to save you time and avoid distractions in the process;
- The requirements for the truck you want to purchase
- The price range you are most comfortable with
Armed with a buying strategy, the next step is to set out for the search. Suppose you land a few options which impress you, what next? A history check!
You need to know where the truck has been and what it has been doing. While it might be interesting to get a profile of its previous owners, even more, important is its background. Most of a truck’s history can be obtained from maintenance records, oil changelogs, accident records, and upgrades. It definitely sounds like a lot to ask for but you would rather do it than run into future disappointments. Finding it hard to dig up the history of a truck? Here are some guidelines to get to it;
Why is the seller getting rid of it?
This is quite important; the fact that the owner would want to get rid of something so costly while it is still in good condition. It is possible that the truck owner is deceased and the family is not interested in continuing using it (is that a bit exaggerated?), or the owner wants to raise capital to the buyer a bigger version. The answer to this question will give you clues into the mechanical condition of a truck. If there are any red flags at this point, the best way to put them into perspective is to imagine getting money from your pocket to repair a stranger’s vehicle.
How does the maintenance history look like?
If you are convinced that the truck is on the market for reasons other than its failing performance, then go ahead and carry out due diligence. Look at the maintenance records to single out instances where parts have been replaced or tune-ups done. Having a clear history of the truck before you purchase it will prepare you for the maintenance routine you need to keep up with once it is in your possession.
What do the oil change records say?
The maintenance history of a truck by itself is not useful. It is important to scrutinize records that pertain to oil change. Oil change records should be matched alongside the recommendation of the manufacturer. Consistency in these records over the lifetime of a truck is an indication that the engine is in great condition. Anything other than the recommended is a warning that the engine could sooner or later develop problems.
What do you do if the truck you are interested in does not have the above records? Tread with caution because it might be an indication of poor maintenance or the seller is deliberately hiding some crucial information.
Does the truck have an accident history?
Part of the history of a truck is getting a clear picture of the nature of accidents it has been involved in, the extent to which the truck was damaged, and a mention of the specific parts repaired/replaced. Some trucks perform differently after an accident so it is important to be aware of potential changes that might take place in the future.
Read more: The Knowledge to Prevail: 5 Steps to Winning Your Truck Accident Case
Are the parts that are due for replacement?
The maintenance history will provide you with a list of parts that have been replaced already. Using this, it will be easy to determine which replacements are overdue or soon coming up. The costs of such parts could be solid ground on which to negotiate the overall price. Other than the engine and transmission of the ruck, components such as lights and brakes must be checked. For your own safety, factor in their presence or need for replacement.
Does the engine model have a good track record in the market?
You might have been impressed by the records so far as well as the performance but there is one more thing; the model of the engine. Before you finalize your purchase, carry out intensive research on overall performance and lifespan. The internet hosts all manner of testimonials on positive and negative aspects of the different truck models on the market. Be sure to go through reviews and read comments on the various social media platforms of the manufacturers to get a feel of the track record.
Depending on where you are located on the globe, used truck dealers might be few and far apart. That is no cause for worry though because Tradus.com is online. This pre-owned heavy machinery and used commercial vehicles marketplace offer deals from sellers across the globe. The trucks listed on the site are accompanied by all the necessary paperwork that a potential buyer would be interested to scrutinize. The process of purchasing a truck from Tradus is easy; just set up and account, have it verified then start searching.
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