Dev & Design

4 Tips for Building an Effective Business Website

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read October 29, 2021

Business Website

No matter if you own an eCommerce store, a brick-and-mortar shop, or have a small business, you can’t succeed in today’s online world without having a business website. Most people nowadays find businesses and products they like online, so if you don’t have an online presence, you can’t find success.

However, just having a website isn’t enough. If you want to be taken seriously, you should have an effective business website that shows you in a professional light. And seeing that it only takes about 50 milliseconds for a user to form an opinion about a website, you need to do a lot of things right.

Reduce the fear of purchasing

If you cater to an international audience, there is one important thing to be aware of and that is the fear of purchasing that comes from not knowing the exact price of a product. If you have the price listed in your local currency, your international buyers won’t know how much the product costs in their currency.

Most people won’t even bother converting the price of something from one currency to another, so they’ll simply switch to one of your competitors. That’s why you must show your prices in customers’ local currencies.

To do this, you can simply implement a JavaScript currency converter and no matter where your customers are from, they will see prices in their local currency. This brings a lot of benefits, such as:

  • Removing any doubts about payment;
  • Providing familiarity with the local payment currency;
  • Complete understanding of the total cost;
  • Increasing the trust the customers have in your website and business.

Build a mobile responsive website

Build a mobile responsive website

The days of only using desktop computers are long gone. More and more people are using their smartphones to access the internet, research products, and find new businesses. In fact, as much as 53% of consumers who shop online every day rely on their smartphones to do so.

In other words, if you don’t have a mobile-responsive website you will lose a lot of potential customers and revenue. And when we say mobile-responsive, that doesn’t just mean that your website can load on a mobile device.

Both the desktop and mobile versions of your website need to provide your users with a seamless experience, show all the same elements, load quickly and have intuitive navigation.

Speaking of which…

Have an uncluttered website with simple navigation

When it comes to professional-looking websites, less is always more. If a site has too much information and too many unnecessary details, it’s going to confuse the user and overload their mind. Cluttered websites aren’t user-friendly at all nor are they visually appealing.

Every element on your website needs to have a purpose, so be very selective about the content you place on your website and before you post anything, ask yourself if your customers would find that information useful and helpful.

As for the navigation, it needs to be as simple as possible and the users need to find the information they’re looking for in just a few clicks. Your tabs need to be clearly labeled and all related pages should be organized in a way that makes sense to the users.

Optimize for search engines

Optimize for search engines

There is hardly anyone who has spent significant time online for the past few years that hasn’t heard of SEO, or search engine optimization. SEO is the process of optimizing your website to make it easily discoverable online.

Discoverability is very important for all kinds of businesses, but especially for those that don’t have a well-established brand yet. A lot of consumers find new brands and businesses they like by searching up certain keywords online, and if you have a high ranking position, your ideal customers will easily find you.

Keep in mind that SEO isn’t a one-time strategy but an ongoing process that requires a lot of time and dedication. Without it, nobody would be able to find your business website online.

Google takes a lot of factors into consideration when ranking a website, and if you learn the best SEO strategies, you can get a high-ranking position.

Here are a few of the most important ones:

  • Keyword research and implementation;
  • Writing and publishing high-quality content;
  • Building a fast-loading website;
  • Including internal and external links;
  • Posting fresh and interesting content regularly;
  • Having an SSL certificate and other guarantees of security;
  • Having a good domain name that ends in .com.


In today’s day and age, everyone is looking to the internet for almost all of their needs, and that includes shopping. This means that all businesses, no matter their size or niche, need to have a well-built and effective website. And if you apply the tips you read about here, that is exactly what you will have.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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