Speaking in front of many people is a considerable challenge. Some people feel comfortable doing it, especially those whose job includes public speaking.
However, it is very difficult for others who do not usually expose themselves to a vast crowd. If you tend to get nervous when speaking in public, these are some tips to help you overcome it.
Ways To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

It’s time to overcome your fear of public speaking, however, it’s easier said than done. Therefore, here are ways how to overcome your fear of public speaking. So, you can start overcoming your fear of public speaking and share your thoughts with audiences.
Acceptance Of Your Fear
Firstly, accept your fear before you move on to different ways to overcome it. If you fear public speaking, you should accept your fear of speaking in front of crowds. This will provide you with clarity on what you are fearing and help you find the right guidance to overcome it.
Additionally, when you acknowledge your fear of speaking in public, you can find ways to help you overcome this fear. Furthermore, if you are offered an opportunity to give a speech or presentation at your college or workplace, you cannot miss this chance to shine.
Therefore, your road to overcoming your fear of public speaking begins with acceptance.
Find The Reason Behind Your Fear
Once you have accepted your public speaking fear, it’s time to overcome it. You must find the reason behind your fear of public speaking to overcome it. Are you feeling like you are being judged or feeling anxious about being made fun of?
Whatever the reason, you must ask yourself why you fear public speaking. This question will lead you to the important question of what worse can happen if you speak in public.
Additionally, when you consult a counselor or therapist to dig deeper into your fear and its root, this will help you realize its main reason and, thus, find the right ways to overcome it.
Do not attempt to eliminate the nerves
If you are feeling nervous, let me tell you that’s natural. Even the most experienced public speakers tend to be nervous before their speech.
So, instead of finding a way to remove your nervousness, you can use it to your advantage. You can turn that emotion into excitement to capture the attention of many people during your delivery.
You can express to your audience in a conversational tone how nervous you are to be present in front of them. Additionally, you can ask for your audience’s understanding if you make a mistake in your speech.
Furthermore, you will notice that your audiences will reply with positive comments, giving you confidence. This will help you feel comfortable knowing your audience is supportive.
Focus On Things You Can Control
If you wish to overcome your fear of public speaking, focus on things in your hand. Questions like what others think about you and your speech are not in your control. So why worry about them?
Instead, you should focus on what you want to say and practice your speech. Additionally, concisely write your speech so that everyone can understand it. Furthermore, you can look for a public speaking coach to guide you with your public speaking if it’s for an important event.
Prepare what to say
You should be prepared for what you wish to express during your public speech or presentation. When you know what to say and are confident in the content, it will be easy for you not to feel nervous.
Even if there are question and answer sessions that follow, you will remain confidential. You can speak from the heart and even without notes to guide you.
Practice with other people
Before you speak with a large audience, you can start by talking to a few people. Ask your friends and family members to listen to you. Tell them to be honest when evaluating you.
It would be better to make mistakes now since you still have time to change them than later when you are already on stage. However, if you are serious about practicing, you should work with a media training company to prepare yourself thoroughly.
Focus on the audience
Look at the people you talk to and feel their presence. Consider why they are there and spend their precious time listening to you.
While they are there, you need to make them feel they are using their time wisely while they are there. Do not focus on yourself and how you feel.
You will notice a sudden difference when you breathe after being nervous. Try deep breathing at least three times in rapid succession.
As you breathe out, tell yourself to relax. You can also try holding your breath for a while as you inhale and exhale with extreme force to release the negative energy.
Visualize success
You have mixed thoughts before you go on stage to speak. Are you worrying that it will be a disaster?
You also think that people will laugh at you. Instead of being so cynical, you can think about having a successful outcome. You will then feel motivated to do your best to achieve it.
Use the right tools
You do not want to go on for several hours talking. By then, you will not be nervous anymore but will not have the listeners’ attention. Make sure that you simplify your speech. Use presentation tools like PowerPoint slides.
You can project the slides onto a TV screen. Find the right TV mount since you will be talking to many people. The listeners will see the information on the screen and listen to what you say.
Wrapping Up
When you accept your fear and take action to overcome it, you complete 90% of the work. Accepting your fear of public speaking makes finding ways to overcome it easy.
Therefore, don’t fear facing your fear; instead, stand strong in the face of your fear. Nothing is scarier than being in control of your fear and thus missing out on opportunities. So, follow these tips to easily overcome your fear of public speaking and have a meaningful presentation.
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