
What to Say After Getting a Phone Number

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read June 3, 2021

Getting a Phone Number

Many people go out on social sprees for multiple reasons. Some go out to get away from the four walls of their homes, and some go out to spend time with their friends in a different environment or to enjoy some food and drinks, while others go out to meet new people.

If for nothing else, going out is good for you, it provides good stress relief, if the suns out you can get some vitamin D, it can help promote better sleep, and more, click here to find out why it’s good to go outside.

Whatever the reason for going out, if you’re lucky, you could meet new people. But what happens when you do meet new people, for instance, if you are a guy who meets a girl? If you like each other or see you becoming friends, then the next step is the exchange of phone numbers.

There is never a hard and fast rule on what to do after you get a girls phone number, however, etiquette requires at least one of the parties to text each other, even if it to say “it was nice to meet you” or “should we arrange to meet up again”, depending on the direction you would like it to go.

To date, not everyone is clued up on how to handle a situation such as this, which is why we have put together the below information to help you out.

So You’ve Got Her Number – Now What?

So You’ve Got Her Number – Now What?

It is hard enough to get any stranger’s phone number nowadays, let alone speak to them face to face. Some people are shy, and others are extremely bold. If you are the former, don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

First, well done for getting her phone number. If that’s not, then these tips should help you out:

Secondly, and no pressure, but you do need to be the first one to text her. As much as people do not consider it, the first text you send anyone, whom you have never messaged before, is crucial.

If you’re struggling with a mental barrier and have no clue what to write. Once you send that first message it becomes easier from then on. Don’t let insecurities take over, chances are, she is feeling the same thing. Feeling uncertain is normal, but once you break the barriers it’s smooth sailing going forward.

Let’s put it this way, girls can sometimes be difficult to read, but the fact that she gave you her number, says a lot. It means she likes you or accepts you for who you are, or who you showed her the first time you met.

It’s all about confidence.

Tips on Confidence:

Tips on Confidence:

There are some psychology tips that we would like to share with you in the hopes that you get past any insecurities before you decide to text anyone. This link can elaborate some more on the concept and below we have a few simple things for you to consider:

Face Your Fears. When people have little to no self-confidence, they often become fearful. Mainly because they don’t know of the outcome. The best approach is to rip it like a Band-Aid. If you think about a similar situation you have faced before – one that made you fearful but that you did it anyway, how did you feel afterward? Exhilarated? Wanted to do it again?

Tap into this feeling and see if you can get there again. Commit to doing something that scares you every day and soon you will be more confident about yourself than ever before.

Affirm Your Strengths:

Affirm Your Strengths:

Many in this category, tend to pay attention to their weaknesses instead of strengths. If you start today by jotting down your strengths, even if it is a few different ones a day, you can change that mentality. Affirmations are a powerful thing! If you got past getting a girls number, when you were afraid, imagine how much more you can do when you are not fearful?

So, what to write back? Try this or a similar approach:

“Hey Jane, it was great meeting you last night (whenever). Would you have time to grab a drink or coffee sometime soon?” – Keep it simple.

Or perhaps you can say “Hi Jane, I had a fun time last night and was wondering if you want to check out this new bar that has just opened up on 2nd Avenue, next week Friday.

Reminding yourself of your greatness every day will help instill your confidence back to where it is supposed to be. Change your thoughts and your actions will change too. Women like men who take an initiative!

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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