
What Role Does A Laptop Play In Student Life?

author-img By Mashum Mollah 3 Mins Read October 18, 2021 Last Updated on: January 13th, 2025


Laptops are popular because of the technological features they provide, as well as their portability. Not only are they growing increasingly popular at home, but many schools have started to use the best laptops for students in the classroom.

1. It provides connectivity as well as accessibility

It provides connectivity as well as accessibility

Laptops can allow students to access information wherever they can get an Internet connection. Getting an Internet connection is now easier than ever, with more places offering free Wi-Fi.

Students can study whenever they have free time, no matter where they are. Access to notes and educational tools such as education programs and websites can help students do better in class.

2. Promotes group work

Students’ success depends on their ability to participate in groups. Students who learn how to perform as part of a group and benefit from the strengths of other students in the group learn the material in a new way.

Laptops make group work easier by allowing students to meet at any venue, such as a library, a classroom, or a student’s home.

It also helps students in accessing all the materials they may need, including online research or software for creating videos, slide shows, or other items they may need for presentations. Plus students can quickly share files wherever they find Internet access.

3. Take Notes more quickly and effectively

Take Notes more quickly and effectively

Making notes by hand can be time-consuming. Laptops allow students to type their notes immediately into a document. Electronic note-taking is both faster and more flexible than paper-based note-taking.

Students can use digital note-taking to automatically index and arrange their study materials, search for information quickly using keywords, and share notes with other students.

Unlike paper notes, which can be destroyed or lost, digital notes can be preserved and backed up to ensure they are not lost. Because the laptop is portable, notes can be accessed at any time and place.

4. Laptop offer More Writing and Editing Tools

Typing speeds up the writing process, and word processing software includes tools that let students revise their work more easily. Students can work at home, in the library, or during work time in class if they use laptops instead of desktop computers.

According to The National Writing Study, a project in Maine that provided students with computers in the classroom increased student writing achievement. 80% of students in the project stated they preferred to conduct their work on their laptops and that they were more inclined to revise their work on their laptops.

5. It allows effective communication

It allows effective communication

Students who are concern about assignments are greatly facilitated by laptops. A student who is having trouble with the project can send an email to the professor or a message to another student in the class.

Students can also use social networking and online chat platforms to help them finish their tasks by asking other students questions or collaborating on learning tools.

Wrapping up

Built-in webcams, Wi-Fi connectivity, USB ports, microphones, and other features are provided by laptops. However, it is also critical to get a high-end PC that is robust, powerful, and comes with a variety of warranty options.

It is generally recommended that you purchase the most recent personal computer with the latest operating system and the best specifications.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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