Small Business

How To Relocate Your Small Business

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read August 23, 2019

Relocate Your Small Business

If you want to relocate your small business, do not forget that you need to involve your employees in the move and the teamwork is key to this process. Alt-text: a group of people putting their hands together.

There can be many different reasons why you have decided to move your business to a new location. For the most part expansion of business and lease expiration are usually the main motivations for business relocation. So, how to relocate your small business? Relocation is truly never an easy task. However, the more you prepare for it, the less hair you will lose on moving day. Therefore, wait no more and start preparing for the big moving day.

Be realistic when choosing your new location

When looking for a new office space or any other kind of business space, it is very easy to get carried away. You must be careful because you do not want to commit and lease a place that you cannot afford during a long-time frame. Perhaps you can afford it, but do you really need it? Being ambitious and having a vision is great. After all, nobody ever became successful without it. Nevertheless, you do not want to bite off more than you can chew. Bottom line is, you must make smart and wise decisions. If you aren’t certain that you will make the proper decisions on your own, you can always engage a business consultant to assist you.

smiling in an office

Do not forget that your new business space must be comfortable for not only your customers and business partners, but also for your employees. Alt-text: guy smiling in an office with a stick note on his face.

Make a to-do list as soon as you decide to relocate your small business

This list should contain every single thing that you or your employees need to do in order to complete your relocation. No matter how big or small a task is if it needs to be done it should be present on this list. Above all, this list will keep you on track. Every time you finish a task you will feel more confident and motivated during your moving process. Make sure you include everything from choosing your moving company to purchasing new furniture on your list. For more moving advice and tips visit

Create an Itinerary and a timeline for your relocation

An itinerary and a timeline will help you manage your move more successfully. Also, they will keep you more organize so no task is left behind. If you are wondering how to make your relocation safe, this is one of the ways to do it.

business space

You want your business space to have a positive and relaxing vibe to it. If you need to, use an interior designer to take care of this aspect for you. Alt-text: A light desk with a bunch of knickknacks on it.

Make an itinerary to help you relocate your small business  

Your moving itinerary can be focused on your moving day. In it you can document all the important points of the moving day and when do they need to happen. For example, at 8 a.m. moving truck will arrive at your starting point (your soon to be old business location). The next point would be, departing the location after the packing is over at approximate 11 a.m. I think you get the picture. This way you can keep yourself, your movers and your employees on schedule during the moving day. This is one of the ways to make moving less stressful.

Make a timeline to keep you on track  

In your timeline, you will include things that you need to do over a longer time span. For example, you must look for a new property asap. After all, without it, there will be no moving in the first place. Also, 3 months prior to the moving date you want to pencil in your move with a professional moving company. The list of things that you need to do goes on and on. Make sure you include everything in your timeline and follow it carefully. Surely the time is of the essence in this situation.

Hire professional movers to relocate your small business

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of hiring professional movers in a timely manner. Do not wait and do this last minute. If you do this last minute, the best-case scenario is that you will get ripped off by a moving company. The closer you get to the moving date the greater the estimated price of the move will be. Truly that would be a good scenario. If you do this last minute, many worst situations may happen. For example, you might get stuck with a poor choice of movers, just because all the good companies are already booked. Although it can get even worse, you might end up with no moving company since everybody is booked. Play it smart and do things on time.

coffee shop

Use your business location based on the business you are in. For example, a coffee shop chooses a location where people are walking by and have a tendency to take a break. Alt-text: the interior of a coffee shop.

How to choose the right company for your move

Basically, the same tips apply if you were organizing any other move. Contact multiple moving companies and request estimates and quotes. Once you have them compare them. Do not choose the cheapest solution. Usually, there is a no-good reason why a company is very inexpensive. Also, pay attention to what is really included in the moving package. Some companies might charge you a bit more, but they might include many different services in their package. For example, some might charge you just a smidge more, but they will include full packing and unpacking service. This can save you a lot of time and headache. So, it is not rocket science. Be patient, ask all the right questions and choose wisely.

Make sure all important parties are informed

In the end, you must make sure that all interested parties are informed about how you decided to relocate your small business. Thus, inform your employees, business partners, vendors, customers, clients, insurance agency, billing companies and everyone else that need to know that your address will be changing. Be proactive and make sure everybody feels important and included. This is one of the ways to run a successful small business.

Should you decided to relocate your small business, be ready for the hustle and bustle. A lot goes into planning this type of action. Not only do you need to take care of every single finesse during the moving process, but you cannot neglect your business practice and your employees. When things get rough, think about all the benefits that await you once the relocation is done. This way you will not give up. Once everything is done organize a mini-party or a soft opening to celebrate your move. Hence, thank all involved people for their patience and help. Happy business moving!

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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