
Ten Incredible Teaching Strategies That Never Fail You In The Classroom

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read May 16, 2020


People all around the world belong to various professions. Some are working as doctors to serve humanity. While others are busy entertaining people through their art and music, on the other hand, a large number of people have devoted themselves to educating the upcoming generation. These amazing people are our teachers or mentors. They hold a special place in our hearts as they sacrifice everything to make our careers and lives. Their knowledge and wisdom are not related to academics only, but they also give us life lessons.

For the people who relate to the profession teaching, face so many challenges every other day. As the environment of each class is so different and varied. Either they are teaching to the Montessori level students or the graduation level. In a classroom, every student is unique and has some special qualities and abilities. So, you have to treat them according to their mental level. Some are quick learners, while a few need time to get the point. Therefore, your teaching style should satisfy both types of students.

A lot of teachers often take lessons regarding teaching methods. To improve and adapt the latest ways to communicate with the students. And to clarify their queries either through verbal or practical applications. When it comes to teaching, you have to be extra smart, intelligent, and creative too. And for this, you need to learn a few teaching skills that will help you to make a great connection between you and your students. It will also enhance your communication and interaction abilities. You will also learn to think out of the box so that you can explore new and innovative ideas for teaching. Well, if you are a teacher or an educator, then this article is worth reading. Here we are going to spill the beans on some astounding and engaging teaching approaches that a teacher should adopt.

Teaching Approaches That Are Always Successful:

Here is the list of a few points that are beneficial for the teachers. That will aid them in giving their best shot in the classroom. And will help in understanding and meeting the students’ needs. No matter if you are teaching for a few years or a decade. Every time the criteria and standard of education get evolved and raised high. So you should choose the best and the most effective teaching styles that benefit your students.

1. Opt For Visualization:

Gone are the days when teachers used to read books and explain the topic. The modern world demands smart and creative methods of teaching. The students of this generation are more intelligent and sharp. They love to relate and study theories with practical applications and visual effects. The visual explanation is much more effective and has a long-lasting impression as compared to the oral lessons. Students tend to learn and understand easily with audio or video clips.

2. Learning Via Experience:

One of the most exceptional ideas to encourage learning is through experience. It would not be wrong to say one will never forget anything if he has learned it by any experiment. So as a teacher, you need to start adopting experiential learning. Make a situation or create an environment for the students in classrooms. Where they can perform different experiments to clear their notions. And in the end, ask them questions about their experience and what they learned from it. In this way, they would be able to connect things with practical life situations.

3. Encourage Class Discussions:

Class Discussions

As we discussed earlier, every student is unique and different from others in so many ways. Some love to interact with other students and participate actively in class debates. While a few are quiet and shy. They also even hesitate to ask any questions. Hence, class discussions are quite useful for such types of pupils. And also for the teachers as it will help you to know many things. For instance, who has perceived the lecture and up to which extent.

4. Effective Communication Skills:

No matter in which profession you are. Your communication skills should be on point and strong enough. These skills help in clearing the objectives and misconceptions. So if you are a mentor or any educator, work on your communicating skills. Either they are verbal, nonverbal, or written. They have to be transparent and straightforward that a student can understand without any difficulty.

5. Your Professional Growth:

Sometimes if you want the best of your students, then you need to work on yourself too. We all are aware of the fact that the education system and policies get changed and revived. So, you cannot follow the same old pattern. You also have to change and adapt to new teaching ways. And these effective methods you can learn by attending seminars, events, or programs. Where you can meet and interact with senior and experienced educationists.

6. Think Out Of The Box:

Want to be a successful teacher? And want your sessions to be exciting and engaging? Then start thinking out of the box. And also ask them to practice the same. Do not limit yourself and your learners. Try to open the new doors for them where they can discover themselves and make their separate identity. Appreciate their inquiries and encourage them if they try to be creative and productive.

7. Make Learning Interesting:

When going to give a lecture, always keep a few things in mind. The students whom you are going to teach already take 6 to 7 lessons in a day. And it makes them bored and dull. That is why they sometimes do not even like to pay attention to the class. So, present your lecture in a way that grabs their attention. A lot of knowledge with a little touch of humor can make it possible. You do not need to be extra friendly with them, but make sure to make the learning fun and exciting for them.

8. Behavior And Discipline Management:

In every department, the discipline and the behavior of both staff and boss matters a lot. Similarly, behavior management should give significant importance in the classroom. As it is almost impossible to attain any information if the class is noisy or undisciplined. And make sure that every single person is catching your voice.

9. Make The Lesson Objectives Clear:

Though, here the point of view may differ. But it is good to make the learning goals transparent. You should do it at the start of the semester so the students will know their learning goals. It will make up their mind. And they will know about the things which they will learn in the end.

10. Questioning Guided Education:

If you want students to get involved in discussions and learning process, then ask them to solve questions. You can either call them on the board or ask them to solve the problem in their notebooks. In this way, their concepts will clear. And they will remain attentive and alert during class.


There is no doubt that everyone has a specific style of teaching. Some think it is better to remain strict and reserved. While a few think, a friendly atmosphere in class is much better. But whatever you do, it must cope up with the latest and current education policies. So the students will learn with recent and novel technologies and ideas.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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