If you’ve never packed up your home for a big move, it can feel like a huge task. We accumulate a lot of possessions over the years, and many people may not know how to tackle it all. Fortunately, there are ways to make the packing process easier. All it takes is a bit of planning. Here are a few tips to help you pack like a boss!
Start with Non-Essentials:
When getting started, it is often best to start with the things you use the least. Make sure those boxes in the attic or garage are secure and ready for transport. You should also put family photos and knicknacks at the top of your list. While these items hold sentimental value, they lack practical uses. This means you can safely pack them away without disrupting your daily routine. You can apply this method to any non-essential things in the house. Seasonal clothing, holiday decorations, and vacation supplies are all examples of things you can most likely do without until after your big move.
Take Your Time:
Unless you fall victim to special circumstances, most people are aware of an upcoming move in advance. Maybe you’ve accepted a new job or need a larger home for your growing family. Either way, you know approximately how much time there is before moving into your new place. This gives some kind of timeline for when everything should be done. Do not wait until the last minute and attempt to pack everything at once. This will only create a chaotic and stressful environment. Spread the task out over a few days or weeks, giving yourself plenty of time to do the job right.
Involve the Family:
If you have a spouse or children, it can also be helpful to get them involved in the packing process. Not only will you appreciate the extra hands, but you can avoid some confusion and misunderstandings. For example, you don’t want to accidentally pack your husband’s best shirt or your child’s favorite toy. Instead of handling this job alone, ask everyone in your household to separate their things into different piles. One section for daily essentials, another section of things to pack, and a final section for things that can be discarded. From here, you can simply go from room to room and work through the piles. If this isn’t doable for one reason or another, you may want to look into hiring a company to pack your things for you. It’s not the cheapest solution, but it is a huge time saver.
Use It or Lose It:
We often hold onto things, even after they no longer serve their purpose. Appliances and electronics can be expensive. It makes sense that you would want to repair them whenever possible. In fact, this can be a great way to save money. However, it only works if you actually take the time to repair them. While packing, you should take note of anything that should really be discarded. This doesn’t necessarily mean throwing these objects away. You could recycle or sell them online.
Moving is stressful enough. Why not do everything you can to make things as easy as possible? It may also be helpful to seek the advice of friends, family, and neighbors. They may have some tips or ideas that you haven’t found on your own.
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