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How Effective Data Management Is Driving Business Growth

author-img By Arina Smith 5 Mins Read December 16, 2019

Data Management

If you are a business person, a politician, an entrepreneur or even a marketing and sales head, you might have heard a famous quote going around- ‘Data is the New Oil.’ In the past few years, effective use of data management has become a necessity for businesses, both big and small.

Generating, managing and executing decisions based on data is helping businesses and organizations all over the world in many ways. From increasing productivity to reducing wastage, data is becoming the foundation of any successful business.

In this article, we will look at why Data Management and Governance is becoming the new norm. We will also look at some of the benefits of data. We will also look at how they are helping brands and businesses increase revenue figures.

Data Management: Meaning and Definition

Data Management

Data Management is the process of acquiring, organizing, storing, sorting and processing the requisite data for decision-making purposes. Human beings and businesses have been storing data ever since time immemorial. However, the advent of the information technology era has made it possible to use the data in multifarious ways.

Most businesses and organizations are using effective master data services to make informed and risk mitigated decisions on behalf of the corporations. However, the quantum of data is so huge that it needs a specialized department or agency to collect, manage, store and process terabytes of data.

This is why Data Management is growing as a specialized division. This function is helping businesses and organizations streamline operations, reduce wastages, adopt fast course correction and grow revenues.

Advantages of Effective Data Management:

In this section, we will look at some of the major benefits and advantages of data management for businesses and other organizations.

1. Data Management helps in Streamlining Processes:

Business operations if not informed by informed data can become chaotic. This is why data helps in streamlining work, processes, and procedures. From products and services to client relationship management, data streamlines the internal and external working of an organization.

2. Data Management helps Save Time:

As most of us are already familiar, time equals money in business. This means the more time you save, the better is it for your business. By working with the right data, a business saves time that can be utilized on making the business grow, improving the product, outreaching clients and other important activities.

3. Data Management helps in Improving Customer Relationship:

Customer Relationship

Most commercial brands are aggressively using data management to establish long-term relationships with their consumers. Data is very helpful when it comes to encouraging repeat purchases from consumers. It is also helpful in keeping consumers engage with the brands through offers, discounts, memberships and responding to their queries.

4. Data Management helps in Accurate Course Correction:

Imagine your company has launched a new product on the market. You executed a marketing and sales strategy that is showing patchy results. If you are using data management, you will be able to use the data to concentrate on areas where there is a positive response. This will not only help you in fast and accurate course correction but also reduce unwanted wastage.

5. Data Management helps in Improving Revenues and Sales:

It has been proven that marketing and sales strategies, which have at their base rigorous data analysis, contribute to the company’s overall revenues and profits. Data also helps create a lean team of smart professionals who know which, strategies to execute and which, to avoid.


Effective data management through master data services is key to good governance and productivity. In this article, we tried to look at the brief meaning and advantages of data management for businesses and organizations. If you have any more doubts, please feel free to drop your queries in the comments section below.

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Arina Smith

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at OnlineNewsBuzz.

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