
How to Control Overtime More Effectively

author-img By Diana Williamson 5 Mins Read December 30, 2020 Last Updated on: January 11th, 2021

Control Overtime

Mention the problem of overtime in most offices, and you’ll see a couple of mouths smirk and a few HR heads drop. It’s a difficult issue to solve – especially in larger businesses in which hundreds of employees are regularly sending off overtime forms to their HR representatives to check and add diligently to their monthly wage. It’s a huge slog for HR professionals to get through – and often they simply don’t have the time to verify the claims, which means their firm might be losing money to false overtime claims. Here, he’ll show you how to control this system more efficiently.


Wave goodbye to the tidal wave of paper or emails; from now on, you should instate a rule by which only managers can claim for overtime. This is called bunching, and it’ll essentially mean that the staff has to submit their overtime for approval by their manager. Their manager will have the responsibility of checking the overtime to make sure it’s legitimate. Often, they’ll be closest to the work that was produced in the overtime, so they’ll know it took place.

By bunching, you’ll receive a larger report of overtime from different departments, which will, in turn, mean that you’re better able to enter all of these overtime claims onto the system. It’s a simple solution to your problem.



But bunching isn’t the only solution – it just helps with the centralization of claims of overtime. It’s still more of a patch-up than a permanent solution, and there are still better and more technologically advanced methods by which you can save time and cash on your overtime expenditure within your HR team. To understand what you can change to make your firm even better at processing overtime, you need to look at leading expenses software.

This software works to centralize and automate a number of different HR responsibilities, which were manual jobs. It enables employees to submit to a check-in system that is fully digital, and that will clock up hours of overtime as and when an employee needs to register their extra expenses. In turn, this leaves your HR team with more time to focus on staff happiness and satisfaction.

Stopping Overtime

Control Overtime

There are several reasons why you might want to control overtime to the extent that no overtime is offered to your staff. If you’re looking to save some cash on wages in the coming weeks, you should let all of your staff know that overtime will no longer be accepted or paid for by your firm.

This will encourage your workers to get their work finished on time, and it’ll mean that you’re never at risk of processing false claims of overtime from your staff. To really control these overtime payments, it’s worth using software on which you can simply turn off the overtime payment function. This will absolutely guarantee that you’re not paying overtime after the point at which you announced overtime was to end.

There you have it: key tips to help you save on overtime within your workplace in 2021.

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Diana Williamson

Diana Williamson is one of the top contributors to WorthyToShare & Gossipment. She is a full-fledged member of WorthyToShare. Her articles are informative and aim to bring value to readers' lives. She is associated with thelegalguides, thedatingdairy, thebitcoinmagazine, essaywritingguides, thecbdmagazine, thecasinomagazine, getmeseen, toppreference, bigjarnews, theparentsmagazine, thesportsmag, thepetsmagazine, worthytoshare, gossipment, okeymagazine, onlinehealthmedia, onlinenewsbuzz, realwealthbusiness, techtrendspro, financeteam, socialmediamagazine, searchenginemagazine, technetdeals, thedailynotes, mashummollah, blogstellar, dreamlandestate, tourandtravelblog & redhatmedia.

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