
Common Vein Diseases That You Should Know About

author-img By Mashum Mollah 5 Mins Read July 6, 2018

Vein Diseases

The human circulatory system is the complex organ system that is responsible for carrying the oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body. The heart is the center of the circulatory system while the arteries and veins from the complex network that transports blood. While the arteries are responsible for supplying the oxygenated blood to the body organs, veins do the job of carrying the oxygen-depleted blood from the organs to the heart for re-oxygenation. The entire system works in a rhythm to facilitate blood circulation in the body and provide nutrients and energy to the tissues and organs. Since every single element of the circulatory system performs a specific function, each of them has to be in good health. However, there are several diseases that can hamper their functioning in one way or the other. We will discuss the vein health and the common diseases that affect these tiny blood vessels. These diseases can affect the appearance of the veins and impair their functioning as well. While an unsightly appearance has cosmetic implications, improper functioning of veins is associated with some serious health hazards. Therefore, it becomes important to understand vein diseases so that you can have them diagnosed and treated well in time.

Venous Insufficiency :

Venous insufficiency, as the name suggests, is a disease which is characterized by the inability of the veins to function properly. It is attributed to damaged valves which are unable to carry the blood to the heart. This disease results in an increase of venous pressure which can cause a series of complications such as painful swelling, cramping of the lower extremities, skin discoloration and leg ulcers. Varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis are the conditions that lead to venous insufficiency if left untreated.

Varicose Veins :

Varicose veins are the red or blue colored bulging veins that appear just below the skin, commonly on the legs. Overweight individuals, pregnant women, and women approaching menopause are at high risk of developing this condition. It is also commonly found in people who have to stand for long intervals. The veins get a bulging appearance as blood pools in them and gradually gather due to the gravitational pressure. Though the disease causes skin discoloration and discomfort in most patients, it can lead to serious side effects such as blood clots and ulcers if not treated. Therefore, patients should take this vein disease seriously and seek medical attention for timely resolution.

Spider Veins :

Spider veins are a less serious concern because their implications are more of a cosmetic nature rather than being major health issues. They are a milder form of varicose veins which get formed due to the dilated venous capillaries getting filled with blood. They give a spider-web-like appearance and are visible just beneath the skin. Spider veins typically develop around the knees and on the thighs. Like varicose veins, these are also common in obese individuals, older women and long standers. This condition is seldom harmful and can be treated easily.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

A more serious venous disease is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which occurs due to the formation of blood clots in the deep, interior veins. Pain, swelling, and redness of the skin are some common symptoms of the condition. However, it may be asymptomatic in some people, which make it all the more dangerous as it needs to be addressed immediately. DVT is not a cosmetic problem as it can cause some serious health complications over time. One of these is pulmonary embolism, which is caused by a blood clot in the vein breaking off and reaching the lungs via the bloodstream. The condition is indicated by symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, trouble breathing, rapid heartbeat, and fainting. Pulmonary embolism required immediate medical health as it can even be life-threatening if left untreated.

Diseases of the veins should be reported sooner rather than later because the related complications can be serious. A majority of people fail to take them seriously because they consider them to be cosmetic issues rather than health concerns. However, there is a need to be aware and vigilant about these diseases so that timely medical health can be sought before it is too late. These diseases are totally treatable if addressed in time and by an expert specialist. Vein diseases are not treated using a one-size-fits-all approach. Vein clinics take into account the individual condition, with factors like severity of the disease and co-existing medical complications to formulate a personalized treatment strategy for each of the patients.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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