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How Can A Business Make Itself More Efficient Through Operations Management?

author-img By Akram Mondal 10 Mins Read November 2, 2022 Last Updated on: February 10th, 2025

Operations Management

No one wants to think about the operations management process when running a business, but it is a concept that demands attention. A company will only succeed if it can handle its operations well.

Operations management professionals can work together to create a well-arranged business setup that allows the business to stay productive and efficient. The management team can ensure that everyone stays safe and understands what they should be doing each day.

Your business can use many measures to make it more efficient and productive. These ideas are essential for all operations management tasks, as a business that knows what it is doing will be more likely to succeed.

What Does An Operations Manager Do?

An operations manager will be responsible for designing and carrying out processes necessary for producing consumer goods and services. A manager can help identify unique opportunities for creating a more efficient and safer work environment.

The operations management industry is growing faster than ever. It’s a major part of why operations management has become essential in the past few years.

An operations manager will carry out the measures that a business can use to become more efficient. The manager will require proper skills for understanding how operations work, and also skills in managing finances to keep these actions from costing more money than necessary.

Your studies at Kettering University Online can help you learn how to handle various operations tasks.

1. Understand your specific operation

The first way to become more efficient is to recognize the operation you are managing. You can conduct a thorough audit of an operation to see how well it works and if it is producing the necessary assets or materials you want to prepare.

Operations management processes can include helping managers define their operations and goals and then reviewing their work to see what might fit. The management work can consist of as many steps for analyzing the business as necessary, but it is about confirming that a group is running things well.

specific operation

2. Management software can help

Your business can also use management software to become more efficient. Management software helps a business record more of its operations and organize data on processes, duties, expenses, and other factors.

You can share information in your software program with other people as necessary. The data becomes more visible to everyone, making it easier for people to go forward with the data for a task. This aspect of operations management can boost your business’s understanding of how it operates and what it should do for future success.

Management projects are often thorough and require regular updates and monitoring. Management software can assist anyone in tracking how a project is working and what people can expect. You can use whatever program you require, but it should be something that provides a realistic look at what you’re trying to prepare and establish.

Management software

3. Create SMART goals

SMART goals can help a business understand what it should do to be more efficient. SMART goals are time-sensitive goals that are well-defined and capable of being met within a particular timeframe. Groups can work with each step in the SMART process to figure out what priorities and resources are working and if there’s anything wrong that requires fixing.

The SMART goals will involve five points. The goals should be:

  1. Specific and focusing on particular parts of the work.
  2. Measurable through whatever criteria you choose.
  3. Achievable and realistic.
  4. Relevant to the task.
  5. Time-bound to where you can handle these tasks at the right time.

You can use these SMART goals with whatever benchmarks you wish to prepare. The idea is to create reasonable goals that people can meet while encouraging them to work towards these efforts. You can progressively move on to more challenging or detailed goals after a while.

4. Allow people to communicate well

Proper communication is necessary to allow a business to stay functional. Businesses that let everyone interact well, while understanding whatever needs they have, will be more successful on average.

Your business can become effective by establishing open lines of communication where everyone can get together and share ideas as necessary.

You can run social media platforms where people can talk with each other, or you can create regular in-person or online programs where people can share their business concerns with you. Focus groups, email programs, and employee surveys can also help you see what you should do when running your business.


5. Understand the difference between efficiency and effectiveness

Efficiency and effectiveness are two concepts of operations management that sound similar, but they have different meanings that can influence how well a business operates.

Efficiency involves knowing how to allocate and use different resources. The work includes using human and technological resources responsibly while figuring out what solutions are ideal.

Effectiveness involves looking at how well a business can deliver the proper items and assets within the necessary deadlines. A business must be ready to get these out, while also meeting quality standards for work. The expectations that the business has can vary over what customers, suppliers, and other vendors might manage.

Your business can become more effective if you look at the unique standards you will hold for becoming more efficient and effective. Do not assume that these two things are the same, as they are both different in what they require of workers.

6. Creating the right focal points

Operations management teams should use many focal points when determining what they can do when running their businesses. The focal points that a business can use will include many factors:

  • Recognizing the specific operations that a business needs to manage.
  • Training standards, including what employees need to know.
  • The priority that works when figuring out what parts of an operations task are the most essential.
  • Customer service plans.
  • The functionality of each system.
  • How well people can access data as the project moves along?

Every task has distinct points that require support, so having a full understanding of what works will be critical to success.

right focal points

7. Encourage employee collaboration

While the practices you create in the workplace might focus on specific tasks for certain people, it’s also vital to have everyone on board to manage different tasks. You can encourage employees to collaborate on various tasks. Employees who work together and feel confident about doing so will be more successful and likely to work well with one another.

There are many things you can do to encourage employees to collaborate:

  • Provide a clear explanation of whatever work expectations you have for your employees.
  • Make sure that everyone feels supported and cared for in the workplace.
  • Consider each employee’s strengths while helping them get away from thinking too much about their weaknesses. Instead of having your workers dwell upon how they often struggle, you can ask them to look at themselves and figure out what they can manage the best.
  • Let your workers socialize with each other outside of the workplace. This simple step will help people feel more appreciative of one another, while also helping everyone see themselves as human.
  • Let people use the mistakes they make as opportunities for them to learn new things. Instead of punishing people for doing things wrong, people can instead learn how to handle tasks in a new way, while understanding what problems might have caused an issue to occur.
 employee collaboration

Employees should also have the right to participate when they see fit. They can engage with you when they are confident and ready to handle a task. Rushing people into work may be too risky, as some people might be hasty in figuring out what they should do to be productive and effective when working.

8. Analyze your assets

Every business has unique assets in its warehouse or other storage space. These items are critical to many operations, including helping you sell inventory and produce new items.

You can analyze your assets by reviewing your floor plan and determining if you require a new arrangement to make your assets easier to gather and use. A warehouse management system (WMS) platform may also help you track your items and arrange your content so that you can track everything you’re using at a time.

Lean operations can also be incorporated into your operations task, though how much you require will vary by situation. Lean management entails reducing the steps, assets, and people necessary to complete tasks. The work requires plenty of planning, as you’ll have to see how your tasks work while understanding how different tasks can help.

Analyze your assets

9. Focus on service

The idea of concentrating on service might sound unusual when you’re trying to be more efficient, especially as it doesn’t always involve creating new products that people can use. A business can increase its revenue by nearly 10% if it provides quality customer service to enough people.

The best service allows people to feel more confident in what a business offers, making it easier for people to want to go forward and recommend your team to others.

Your operations management plan should include looking at how well you’re providing quality services to your customers. You can use a few points to plan your work:

Focus on service
  • Find a way to reduce the first response time to a customer’s query. Plan a system where someone will be responsible for answering queries at given times. Whether it involves automated systems or someone on hand to answer at a moment’s notice, a proper plan is necessary.
  • Look at how long it will take to find a resolution to a problem. A business should have enough assets to guide customers to see what they can do to fix a problem.
  • Provide reasonable details on what you’re trying to offer to someone. Give as much information to a customer as possible to improve how well you communicate with someone.
  • Proactive support can provide help for a customer based on their behavior. You can consult a customer surrounding what they are interested in the most or any prior behaviors you have on record from that customer.
  • Collect as much customer feedback as possible. Use what people give you to work out what you should do next.

Customers are often willing to choose which businesses they will support based on treatment. They don’t want to deal with companies that don’t treat them well or respect their needs. Your operations management plans can include looking at how well you’re providing services to your customers and how they will receive the support they deserve.

10. Train your workers right

The next part of becoming more efficient involves knowing how to train your employees. The training process has to be sensible so that everyone knows what’s happening in the workplace and how you expect them to work for you.

Here are a few recommendations that businesses can use to help them train their employees well:

 workers right
  • Prepare expectations for your workers. Let them know what you expect them to do and that they have an idea of where you want them to go when working.
  • Allow your new workers to shadow their new colleagues. They can discover how processes work and determine how your operations plans will run as necessary.
  • A mentoring program can help new workers learn more about different work processes and what you might expect from them. Your workers can discover how tasks work and what they can do to make their operations more efficient.

Sometimes the training can be customized based on the worker’s position or skills. The person’s prior experience in handling specific tasks may also be a factor. Use the information you have on someone to create a suitable plan for work that is interesting and helpful for their advancement and progress.

Training processes can be as thorough as necessary, but they must always be defined.

11. Realism is vital

Another consideration for an operations manager involves being as realistic as possible when establishing a smart plan. Explaining to workers what needs to work and how to complete the work is essential to producing a more successful approach to managing work. However, realism shouldn’t sound overly authoritarian.

The best way to be realistic as a manager is to provide new production data and other things that can back up what you’re trying to manage. You can explain your evidence for doing something to help people feel more confident in whatever you’re trying to plan. You can also ask your team members to share their ideas for what might work and how they can help.

Avoiding micromanaging is also essential to creating a realistic approach to work. Grading and critiquing every aspect of work may be unhealthy as you might make it harder for people to feel confident in their work. Some workers may also become uncomfortable with what you’re trying to plan or prepare.

Realism is vital

12. Be prepared to help your business move forward

Operations management will be a necessity for helping your business to grow and stay strong. The management process enables you to review how well production efforts work while improving how you can make a profit.

Your work can also help your business become more attractive to prospective customers. A group that is planned well and has a suitable means of work will be successful and easy to handle.

Effective business management is critical for helping your company become more efficient. Be sure that you look at how you’re running your group and that there’s a suitable plan for making it all work. Proper business management will be vital for helping your business grow and become more viable. Your entity can succeed when you have a solid plan for everything and you know what will work in any situation.

business move forward


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Akram Mondal

Akram Ali Mondal is an experienced professional in the field of Digital Marketing with a myriad of experiences in enabling brands to accomplish goals. With a sound expertise in different aspects of SEO, SEM, Affiliate Marketing and data-driven marketing, Akram is a thriving marketing consultant as well as a brand maker.

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