
Valentine’s Day around the world

author-img By mehwishkanwal 5 Mins Read January 1, 2018

Valentine day

Ah, romance! Nothing makes us beat our hearts like candles, flowers and sweet words of love. We are so enamored of the love that illuminates our lives that we devote a whole day to it: the wonderful Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day has its roots in an ancient Roman tradition (rather daring), called the Lupercalia. Every year, on February 15th, young men, dressed in their simplest apparatus, went to spank (delicately) the girls to stimulate their fertility. These pagan antics remained terribly popular, even after Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.Later, the Lupercalia merged into the Christian tradition, thus becoming Valentine’s Day, in honor of this capricious saint who celebrated illegal marriages under the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius II. For his misbehavior, Valentine’s Day was performed on February 14 and today is the day that lovers around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day.

The traditions, that day, vary from one country to another – here is a brief overview of all the romantic celebrations organized on February 14 around the world!

In the USA

Valentine day

In the United States, lovers show their endless love for each other: every year, Americans spend the whopping $ 18 billion in sweets, cards, chocolates, flowers and jewelry. Greeting cards are the most common gift, but not only within couples; Parents, friends and students also offer cards containing little words of friendship, affection and appreciation. Contrary to what one might think, the most popular Valentine’s Day treats of America are not the chocolate boxes, but the little hearts containing messages like “Become Mine” and “Kiss Me”. For the record, one produces, in one year, as many candies in the shape of a heart as there are individuals on earth!

In South Korea and Japan

Valentine day

In this part of the world, men are pampered on Valentine’s Day, as women buy chocolates for their partners, their family members and their male colleagues as a sign of affection and love. appreciation. But do not worry, ladies, because your turn will come a month later. On March 15, known as the White Day, men reciprocate by offering cakes, sweets and flowers.


Valentine day

In the UK, couples are not joking with Valentine’s Day. The lovebirds of all the British Isles offer Valentine’s day flower, chocolates and jewels as gifts. In the evening, couples usually enjoy a good restaurant in town, unless they opt for a candlelit dinner at home. Anyway, love is in the air.

In Finland

Valentine day

Finland is the ideal place for anyone traveling solo. You do not have to worry about staying away from the festivities, because in this country the party is celebrated with friends. In Finnish, this day is even called “Friend’s Day”, not Valentine’s Day. The official flower is the pink rose, but friends are just as happy to receive gifts, cards or candies.

In Peru

Valentine day

Thanks to the carnival celebration across the country, almost all Peruvians are on holiday on February 14, which means they have more time to plan their love itineraries. Instead of offering roses, many opt for orchids – a flower native to the country. They even organize mass weddings to accommodate all couples who choose to say “yes” on this most romantic day of the year.

In Brazil

Valentine day

The Brazilians ignore Feb. 14 and its celebrations to commemorate Saint Anthony, the patron saint of marriage and fruitful encounters on June 12.

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